§ 26.20 - Written policy and procedures.  

Latest version.
  • Each licensee subject to this part shall establish and implement written policies and procedures designed to meet the general performance objectives and specific requirements of this part. Each licensee shall retain a copy of the current written policy and procedures as a record until the Commission terminates each license for which the policy and procedures were developed and, if any portion of the policies and procedures are superseded, retain the superseded material for three years after each change. As a minimum, written policies and procedures must address fitness for duty through the following:

    (a) An overall description of licensee policy on fitness for duty. The policy must address use of illegal drugs and abuse of legal drugs (e.g., alcohol, prescription and over-the-counter drugs). Written policy documents must be in sufficient detail to provide affected individuals with information on what is expected of them, and what consequences may result from lack of adherence to the policy. As a minimum, the written policy must prohibit the consumption of alcohol—

    (1) Within an abstinence period of at least 5 hours preceding any scheduled working tour, and

    (2) During the period of any working tour.

    Licensee policy should also address other factors that could affect fitness for duty such as mental stress, fatigue and illness.

    (b) A description of programs which are available to personnel desiring assistance in dealing with drug, alcohol, or other problems that could adversely affect the performance of activities within the scope of this part.

    (c) Procedures to be utilized in testing for drugs and alcohol, including procedures for protecting the employee and the integrity of the specimen, and the quality controls used to ensure the test results are valid and attributable to the correct individual.

    (d) A description of immediate and follow-on actions which will be taken, and the procedures to be utilized, in those cases where employees, vendors, or contractors assigned to duties within the scope of this part are determined to have been involved in the use, sale, or possession of illegal drugs; or to have consumed alcohol during the mandatory pre-work abstinence period, while on duty, or to excess prior to reporting to duty as demonstrated with a test that can be used to determine blood alcohol concentration.

    (e) A procedure that will ensure that persons called in to perform an unscheduled working tour are fit to perform the task assigned. As a minimum, this procedure must—

    (1) Require a statement to be made by a called-in person as to whether he or she has consumed alcohol within the length of time stated in the pre-duty abstinence policy;

    (2) If alcohol has been consumed within this period, require a determination of fitness for duty by breath analysis or other means; and

    (3) Require the establishment of controls and conditions under which a person who has been called-in can perform work, if necessary, although alcohol has been consumed. Consumption of alcohol during the abstinence period shall not by itself preclude a licensee from using individuals needed to respond to an emergency.

    (f) The Commission may at any time review the licensee's written policy and procedures to assure that they meet the performance objectives of this part.