§ 35.641 - Radiation surveys for teletherapy facilities.

Latest version.
  • (a) Before medical use, after each installation of a teletherapy source, and after making any change for which an amendment is required by § 35.606 (a) through (d), the licensee shall perform radiation surveys with a portable radiation measurement survey instrument calibrated in accordance with § 35.51 of this part to verify that:

    (1) The maximum and average dose rates at one meter from the teletherapy source with the source in the off position and the collimators set for a normal treatment field do not exceed 10 millirem per hour and 2 millirem per hour, respectively; and

    (2) With the teletherapy source in the on position with the largest clinically available treatment field and with a scattering phantom in the primary beam of radiation, that:

    (i) Radiation dose rates in restricted areas are not likely to cause any occupationally exposed individual to receive a dose in excess of the limits specified in § 20.1201 of this chapter; and

    (ii) Radiation dose rates in controlled or unrestricted areas are not likely to cause any individual member of the public to receive a dose in excess of the limits specified in § 20.1301 of this chapter.

    (b) If the results of the surveys required in paragraph (a) of this section indicate any radiation dose quantity per unit time in excess of the respective limit specified in that paragraph, the licensee shall lock the control in the off position and not use the unit:

    (1) Except as may be necessary to repair, replace, or test the teletherapy unit shielding or the treatment room shielding; or

    (2) Until the licensee has received a specific exemption pursuant to § 20.1301 of this chapter.

    (c) A licensee shall retain a record of the radiation measurements made following installation of a source for the duration of the license. The record must include the date of the measurements, the reason the survey is required, the manufacturer's name, model number and serial number of the teletherapy unit, the source, and the instrument used to measure radiation levels, each dose rate measured around the teletherapy source while in the off position and the average of all measurements, a plan of the areas surrounding the treatment room that were surveyed, the measured dose rate at several points in each area expressed in millirem per hour, the calculated maximum quantity of radiation over a period of one week for each restricted and unrestricted area, and the signature of the Radiation Safety Officer.