Subpart C - Regulations Implementing the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as Amended  

§ 4.301 - Purpose and scope.
§ 4.302 - Application of this subpart.
§ 4.303 - Definitions.
Investigation, Conciliation, and Enforcement Procedures
§ 4.331 - Compliance reviews.
§ 4.332 - Complaints.
§ 4.333 - Mediation.
§ 4.334 - Investigation.
§ 4.335 - Prohibition against intimidation or retaliation.
§ 4.336 - Compliance procedure.
§ 4.337 - Hearings, decisions, post-termination proceedings.
§ 4.338 - Remedial and affirmative action by recipients.
§ 4.339 - Alternate funds disbursal procedure.
§ 4.340 - Exhaustion of administrative remedies.
§ 4.341 - Reports.
Standards for Determining Age Discrimination
§ 4.311 - Rules against age discrimination.
§ 4.312 - Definitions of “normal operation” and “statutory objective”.
§ 4.313 - Exceptions to the rules against age discrimination. Normal operation or statutory objective of any program or activity.
§ 4.314 - Exceptions to the rule against age discrimination. Reasonable factors other than age.
§ 4.315 - Burden of proof.
Duties of NRC Recipients
§ 4.321 - Assurance of compliance.
§ 4.322 - Written notice, technical assistance, and educational materials.
§ 4.324 - Information requirements.