§ 609.5 - Evaluation of applications.  

Latest version.
  • § 609.5 Programmatic, technical, and financial evaluation Evaluation of applications.

    (a) In reviewing completed Applications , and in prioritizing and selecting those as to which a Term Sheet should be offered, DOE will apply the criteria set forth in the Act, any applicable Solicitation, and this part. Applications will be considered in a competitive process, i.e. each Application will be evaluated against other Applications responsive to the Solicitation. merit-based review process, considering such factors determined and published by DOE in guidance on its Title XVII Loan Guarantee Program website pursuant to § 609.19. At any time, DOE may request additional information or supporting documentation from an Applicant.

    (b) Applications will be denied if:

    (1) The proposed project is not an Eligible Project

    , however, DOE may provide an Applicant with a reasonable opportunity to correct or amend any Application in order to meet the conditions for an Eligible Project




    With respect to applications for Innovative Energy Projects and Innovative Supply Chain Projects, the applicable technology is not ready to be deployed commercially in the United States, cannot yield a commercially viable product or service in the use proposed in the Application, does not have the potential to be deployed in other commercial projects in the United States, or is not or will not be available for further commercial use in the United States;

    (3) The Person proposed to issue the loan or purchase other debt obligations constituting the Guaranteed Obligations is not an Eligible Lender;

    (4) The proposed project is for demonstration, research, or development;

    (5) Significant Equity for the proposed project will not be provided by the date of issuance of the Guaranteed Obligations, or such later time as DOE in its discretion may determine;


    (6) The proposed project does not present a

    reasonable prospect

    Reasonable Prospect of


    Repayment of the Guaranteed Obligations




    b) If an Application has not been denied pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, DOE will evaluate the proposed project based on the criteria set forth in the Act, any applicable Solicitation, and the following:

    (1) To what measurable extent the proposed project avoids, reduces, or sequesters air pollutants or anthropogenic emissions of greenhouses gases, as applicable, or contributes to the avoidance, reduction or sequestration of air pollutants or anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases;

    (2) To what extent the technology to be deployed in the proposed project—

    (i) Is ready to be deployed commercially in the United States, can be replicated, yields a commercially viable product or service in the use proposed in the proposed project, has potential to be deployed in other commercial projects in the United States, and is or will be available for further commercial use in the United States; and

    (ii) Constitutes an important improvement in technology, as compared to available Commercial Technologies, used to avoid, reduce or sequester air pollutants or anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases, as applicable;

    (3) To what extent the Applicant has a plan to advance or assist in the advancement of that technology into the commercial marketplace in the United States;

    (4) The extent to which the level of proposed support in the Application is consistent with a reasonable prospect of repayment of the Guaranteed Obligations by considering, among other factors:

    (i) The extent to which the requested amount of the loan guarantee, the requested amount of Guaranteed Obligations and, if applicable, the expected amount of any other financing or credit arrangements, are reasonable relative to the nature and scope of the proposed project;

    (ii) The total amount and nature of the Project Costs and the extent to which Project Costs are to be funded by Guaranteed Obligations; and

    (iii) The feasibility of the proposed project and likelihood that it will produce sufficient revenues to service its debt obligations over the life of the loan guarantee and assure timely repayment of Guaranteed Obligations;

    (5) The likelihood that the proposed project will be ready for full commercial operations in the time frame stated in the Application;

    (6) The amount of Equity committed and to be committed to the proposed project by the Borrower, the Project Sponsor, and other Persons;

    (7) Whether there is sufficient evidence that the Borrower will diligently implement the proposed project, including initiating and completing the proposed project in a timely manner;

    (8) Whether and to what extent the Applicant will rely upon other Federal and non–Federal Government assistance such as grants, tax credits, or other loan guarantees to support the financing, construction, and operation of the proposed project and how such assistance will impact the proposed project;

    (9) The levels of safeguards provided to the Federal Government in the event of default through collateral, warranties, and other assurance of repayment described in the Application, including the nature of any anticipated intercreditor arrangements;

    (10) The Applicant's, or the relevant contractor's, capacity and expertise to operate the proposed project successfully, based on factors such as financial soundness, management organization, and the nature and extent of corporate and individual experience;

    (11) The ability of the proposed Borrower to ensure that the proposed project will comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including all applicable environmental statutes and regulations;

    (12) The levels of market, regulatory, legal, financial, technological, and other risks associated with the proposed project and their appropriateness for a loan guarantee provided by DOE;

    (13) Whether the Application contains sufficient information, including a detailed description of the nature and scope of the proposed project and the nature, scope, and risk coverage of the loan guarantee sought to enable DOE to perform a thorough assessment of the proposed project; and

    (14) Such other criteria that DOE deems relevant in evaluating the merits of an Application.


    7) With respect to applications for Energy Infrastructure Reinvestment Projects such application fails to include an analysis of how the proposed project will engage with and affect associated communities or, where the Applicant is an electric utility, an assurance that Applicant will pass on the financial benefit from the Guarantee to the customers of, or associated communities served by, the electric utility; or

    (8) The Applicant or Project Sponsor does not satisfy DOE's “know your customer” requirements.

    (c) If an Application has not been denied pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section, DOE will evaluate the proposed project based on the criteria published by DOE in guidance on its Title XVII Loan Guarantee Program website pursuant to § 609.19.

    (d) After DOE completes its review and evaluation of a proposed project

    pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section and this part

    , DOE will notify the Applicant in writing of its determination whether to proceed with due diligence and negotiation of a Term Sheet

    in accordance with § 609



    DOE will proceed only if it determines that the proposed project is highly qualified and suitable for a Guarantee. Upon written confirmation from the Applicant that it desires to proceed, DOE and the Applicant will commence negotiations.



    e) DOE shall provide all Applicants with a reasonable opportunity to correct or amend any Application in order to meet the criteria set forth in this part or any other conditions required by DOE, prior to any denial of such Application. A determination by DOE not to proceed with a proposed project

    following evaluation pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section

    shall be final and non-appealable, but shall not prejudice the Applicant or other affected Persons from applying for a Guarantee in respect of a different proposed project pursuant to another, separate Application. Prior to DOE's denial of any Application, DOE shall advise the Applicant in writing, not less than ten (10) business days prior to the effective date of such denial

    , and

    . If an Application could be amended or corrected such that DOE would determine that the project is highly qualified and suitable for a Guarantee, DOE may set forth the reasons for such proposed denial along with a list of items that may be corrected or amended by the Applicant

    in order to satisfy the requirements that would create an Eligible Application, if such items can be corrected or appropriately amended

    . If requested by any Applicant, DOE shall meet with such Applicant in order to address questions or concerns raised by the Applicant.