§ 710.54 - Definitions.

Latest version.
  • As used in this part:

    Accelerated Access Authorization Program means the DOE program for granting interim access to classified matter and special nuclear material based on a drug test, a National Agency Check, a psychological assessment, a counterintelligence-scope polygraph examination in accordance with 10 CFR part 709, and a review of the applicant's completed “Questionnaire for National Security Positions.” (Standard Form 86).

    Contractor means the contractor and subcontractors at all tiers.

    Direct access means access to Category I quantities of SNM which would permit an individual to remove, divert, or misuse that material in spite of any controls that have been established to prevent such unauthorized actions.

    Illegal drugs means a controlled substance included in Schedules I, II, III, IV, or V, as defined by 21 U.S.C. 802(6), the possession of which is unlawful under chapter 13 of that title. The term “illegal drugs” does not apply to the use of a controlled substance in accordance with the terms of a valid prescription, or other uses authorized by law.

    Management official means an individual designated by the DOE or a DOE contractor, as appropriate, who has programmatic responsibility for PSAP positions.

    Occurrence means any event or incident that is a deviation from the planned or expected behavior or course of events in connection with any Department of Energy or Department of Energy-controlled operation, if the deviation has environmental, public health and safety, or national security protection significance. Incidents having such significance include the following, or incidents of a similar nature:

    (1) Injury or fatality to any person involving actions of a Department of Energy contractor employee.

    (2) Involvement of nuclear explosives under Department of Energy jurisdiction which results in an explosion, fire, the spread of radioactive material, personal injury or death, or significant damage to property.

    (3) Accidental release of pollutants which results or could result in a significant effect on the public or environment.

    (4) Accidental release of radioactive material above regulatory limits.

    PSAP Approving Official means a senior DOE official with direct personnel security responsibilities appointed by an operations office manager to review all relevant information, including DOE F 5631.35, “PSAP Management, Medical, and Security Report” as part of the DOE security review process, and who is responsible for granting or continuing the PSAP access authorization, or determining that an individual be processed under the provisions of subpart A of this part.

    PSAP position means a position that affords direct access to or has direct responsibility for transportation or protection of Category I quantities of SNM, affords unescorted access to nuclear material production reactor control areas, or with the potential to cause unacceptable damage to national security.

    Reasonable suspicion means a suspicion based on an articulable belief that an employee uses illegal drugs, drawn from particularized facts and reasonable inferences from those facts, as detailed further in part 707 of this chapter.

    Security concern means the presence of information, regarding an individual applying for or holding a PSAP position, that may be considered derogatory under the criteria in subpart A of this part.

    Selecting official means the management official responsible for making the final employment decision regarding an individual seeking a PSAP position.

    Site occupational Medical Director means a physician responsible for the overall direction and operation of the occupational medical program at a particular site.

    Supervisor means an individual who has direct oversight and responsibility for a person holding a PSAP position.

    Unacceptable damage means an incident that could result in a nuclear explosive detonation, a major environmental release from a nuclear material production reactor, or an interruption of nuclear weapons production with a significant impact on national security.