§ 710.58 - Medical assessment.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The medical examination. The purpose of the PSAP medical examination is to ensure that an applicant tentatively selected for, or incumbent in, a PSAP position does not represent a security concern or have a condition which may prevent the individual from performing PSAP duties in a reliable and safe manner. The examination shall include an evaluation to determine the presence of any physical or mental condition that causes or may cause a significant defect in the judgment or reliability of the individual, including that which may result from the use of illegal drugs or the use of alcohol habitually to excess.

    (b) When performed. The medical assessment is performed initially upon applicants tentatively selected for PSAP positions and employees occupying PSAP positions who have not yet received a PSAP access authorization. The medical assessment shall be performed annually, or more often as may be required by the site Occupational Medical Director, for PSAP-cleared employees.

    (c) Contents of medical assessment. The medical assessment shall include: A comprehensive medical examination; an examination for use of alcohol habitually to excess; a psychological assessment and/or psychiatric evaluation as provided for in any applicable DOE medical standards, and as permitted by Federal regulations; and an examination for the cause of any reported unusual conduct.

    (d) Examination for use of alcohol habitually to excess. The use of alcohol habitually to excess represents a potential threat to national security and is inconsistent with access to a PSAP position. Accordingly, the medical assessment shall include:

    (1) Diagnosis. Employees in, or applicants tentatively selected for, a PSAP position shall be evaluated for the use of alcohol habitually to excess. Those employees diagnosed currently to use alcohol habitually to excess shall be temporarily reassigned to non-PSAP duties and the PSAP Approving Official shall be notified immediately.

    (2) Rehabilitation. Individuals reinstated to PSAP duties following treatment leading to rehabilitation from the use of alcohol habitually to excess shall be required to undergo evaluation as prescribed by the site Occupational Medical Director to ensure continued rehabilitation. Such evaluation shall be consistent with appropriate Departmental substance abuse programs.

    (e) Examination for the cause of reported unusual conduct. Upon referral of a PSAP-cleared employee by a supervisor for observed unusual conduct, the site Occupational Medical Director may arrange for the employee to be examined by appropriate specialists.

    (f) Report of occupational Medical Director. Upon completion of the medical assessment, the site Occupational Medical Director shall report any security concerns resulting from the medical assessment to the appropriate management official.

    (g) Temporary restrictions on a PSAP position. In the event that a condition or circumstance develops that may affect the judgment or reliability of a PSAP-cleared employee, the site Occupational Medical Director may recommend restrictions. The site Occupational Medical Director shall report these restrictions immediately, in writing, to the appropriate management official who shall immediately notify the appropriate PSAP Approving Official. Removal of restrictions requires notification in writing to both the management official and the PSAP Approving Official by the site Occupational Medical Director.

    (h) Sick leave from a PSAP position. PSAP-cleared employees who have been on sick leave for five or more consecutive work days are required to report in person to the site Occupational Medical Director before being allowed to return to normal duties. The site Occupational Medical Director shall provide a recommendation to the appropriate management official regarding the employee's return to work. A PSAP-cleared employee may in certain circumstances also be required to report to the site Occupational Medical Director for written recommendation to return to normal duties after any period of sick leave.