§ 75.2 - Scope.  

Latest version.
  • § 75.2 Scope.

    (a) All The regulations in this part apply to all persons licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) or an Agreement State, or ; who hold a certificate of compliance, or construction permit or authorization issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission are subject to the requirements of this part. These requirements also apply to all persons NRC; who have filed an application with the NRC to construct a facility or to receive source or special nuclear material. Locations ; or who possess source or special nuclear material subject to NRC regulation under 10 CFR Chapter I.

    (b) The regulations in this part do not apply to facilities or locations determined by the U.S. Government to be associated with activities or information of direct national security significance

    to the United States are excluded from these requirements


    Specifically, these requirements pertain to the following locations and activities of licensees and certificate holders:

    (1) A facility, as defined in § 75.4, and the site of the facility;

    (2) A location performing nuclear fuel cycle-related research and development, as defined in § 75.4;

    (3) A location manufacturing, assembling, or constructing nuclear fuel cycle-related equipment or materials as defined in § 75.4;

    (4) A location of a uranium or thorium mine or concentration plant (e.g., in-situ leach mines and activities involving ore processing);

    (5) A location importing or possessing “impure” source material [i.e., source material not in the form of purified chemical products (e.g., UF6, U metal, UO2)];

    (6) A location possessing source or special nuclear material on which IAEA safeguards have been exempted or terminated;

    (7) A location receiving imports of material or equipment that is subject to export controls; and

    (8) The activity of exporting source materials for non-nuclear purposes or exporting of non-nuclear material or equipment that is subject to export controls.

    (b) Facilities referred to in § 75.2(a)(1) are also subject to the reporting requirements of § 75.6(b) and (c), IAEA inspections in § 75.8, Facility information in § 75.10, and the Material Accounting and Control requirements in §§ 75.21 through 75.45.

    (c) Locations referred to in § 75.2(a)(2) through 75.2(a)(7) are also subject to the reporting requirements of § 75.6(b) and (d), and IAEA inspections in § 75.8, and location information in § 75.11.

    [73 FR 78607, Dec. 23, 2008[83 FR 19609, May 4, 2018]