§ 852.4 - What information and materials does an individual submit as a part of the application for review and assistance?  

Latest version.
  • (a) As a part of the application for review and assistance, an individual must submit, in writing:

    (1) Any application forms required by the Program Office.

    (2) The name and address of any licensed physician who is the source of a diagnosis based upon documented medical information that the employee has or had an illness and that the illness may have resulted from exposure to a toxic substance while the employee was employed at a DOE facility and, to the extent practicable, a copy of the diagnosis and a summary of the information upon which the diagnosis is based.

    (3) A signed medical release, authorizing non-DOE sources of medical information to provide the Program Office with any diagnosis, medical opinion and medical records documenting the diagnosis or opinion that the employee has or had an illness and that the illness may have resulted from exposure to a toxic substance while the employee was employed at a DOE facility.

    (4) To the extent practicable and appropriate, an occupational history obtained by a physician, an occupational health professional, or a DOE-sponsored Former Worker Program. (If such an occupational history is not reasonably available and is deemed by the Program Office to be needed for the fair adjudication of the claim, then the Program Office will assist the applicant in obtaining this history.)

    (5) Any other information or materials deemed by the Program Office to be necessary to provide reasonable evidence that the employee has or had an illness that may have arisen from exposure to a toxic substance while employed at a DOE facility.

    (b) The applicant may also submit directly to the Program Office any other information or materials providing evidence that the employee has or had an illness that may have resulted from exposure to a toxic substance during the course of employment at a DOE facility.

    (c) The applicant must sign an affidavit attesting to the authenticity and completeness of any information or materials submitted to the Program Office, or provide the Program Office with other evidence of authenticity of submitted materials, such as certification of submitted copies of originals.