§ 904.5 - Revenue requirements.  

Latest version.
  • § 904.5 Revenue requirements.

    (a) Western shall collect all electric service revenues from the Project in accordance with applicable statutes and regulations and deposit such revenues into the Colorado River Dam Fund. All receipts from the Project shall be available for payment of the costs and financial obligations associated with the Project. The Secretary of the Interior is responsible for the administration of the Colorado River Dam Fund.

    (b) The electric service revenue of the Project shall be collected through a charge, computed to be sufficient, together with other net revenues from the Project, to recover the following costs and financial obligations associated with the Project over the appropriate repayment periods set out in paragraph (c) of this section:

    (1) Annual costs of operation and maintenance;

    (2) Annual interest on unpaid investments in accordance with appropriate statutory authorities;

    (3) Annual repayment of funds, and all reasonable costs incurred in obtaining such funds, advanced by non-Federal Contractors to the Secretary of the Interior for the Uprating Program;

    (4) The annual payment of $300,000 to each of the States of Arizona and Nevada provided for in section 618(c) of the Adjustment Act and section 1543(c)(2) of the Colorado River Basin Project Act (43 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) (Basin Act), as amended or supplemented;

    (5) Capital costs of investments and Replacements, including amounts readvanced from the United States Treasury (Treasury);

    (6) Repayment to the Treasury of the advances to the Colorado River Dam Fund for the Project made prior to May 31, 1987, for which payment was deferred because of a deficiency in firm energy generation due to a shortage of available water, as provided for in article 14(a) of the 1941 General Regulations and section 8 of the Boulder City Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 1726), as shown on the books of accounts of Reclamation as of May 31, 1987;

    (7) Repayment to the Treasury of the first $25,000,000 of advances made to the Colorado River Dam Fund deemed to be allocated to flood control by section 617a(b) of the Project Act as provided by section 618f of the Adjustment Act; and

    (8) Any other financial obligations of the Project imposed in accordance with law.

    (c) The Project repayment period shall extend to the final year allowed under applicable cost recovery criteria. The revenue for the costs and financial obligations set out in paragraph (b) of this section shall be collected over the following repayment periods:

    (1) The repayment period for advances made to the Colorado River Dam Fund from funds advanced to the Secretary of the Interior by non-Federal entities for the Uprating Program and associated work shall be the period commencing with the first day of the month following completion of each segment of the Uprating Program, or June 1, 1987, whichever is later, and ending September 30, 2017;

    (2) The repayment period for the payments to the Treasury of the advances to the Colorado River Dam Fund for the Project which were payable prior to May 31, 1987, but which were deferred pursuant to article 14(a) of the 1941 General Regulations and section 8 of the Boulder City Act of 1958, shall be the power contract period beginning June 1, 1987, and ending September 30, 2017. Such repayment period is based on a 50-year repayment period beginning June 1, 1937, adjusted for the periods the initial payments were deferred;

    (3) The repayment period for the payment to the Treasury of the first $25,000,000 of advances made to the Colorado River Dam Fund deemed to be allocated to flood control by section 617a(b) of the Project Act and deferred by section 618(f) of the Adjustment Act shall be the 50-year period beginning June 1, 1987;

    (4) The repayment period for advances to the Colorado River Dam Fund for the Project made on or after June 1, 1937, and prior to June 1, 1987, shall be the 50-year period beginning June 1 immediately following the year of operation in which the funds were advanced;

    (5) The repayment period for investments, other than for the visitor facilities authorized by section 101(a) of the Hoover Power Plant Act (43 U.S.C. 619(a)), made from Federal appropriations on or after June 1, 1987, shall be a 50-year period beginning with the first day of the fiscal year following the fiscal year the investment is placed in service; and

    (6) The repayment period for the visitor facilities authorized by section 101(a) of the Hoover Power Plant Act (43 U.S.C. 619(a)) shall be the 50-year period beginning June 1, 1987, or when substantially completed, as determined by the Secretary of the Interior, if later.

    (d) Annual costs for operation and maintenance and payments to States as set out in paragraph (b) of this section shall be collected as long as revenues accrue from the operation of the Project.

    (e) Surplus revenues will also be collected for transfer from the Colorado River Dam Fund for contribution to the Lower Colorado River Basin Development Fund pursuant to section 1543(c)(2) of the Basin Act as amended by the Hoover Power Plant Act to provide revenue for the purposes of sections 1543(f) and 1543(g) of the Basin Act.

    (f) All annual costs will be calculated based on a Federal fiscal year. To accommodate the transition from the pre-1987 operating year of June 1 to May 31 to a fiscal year, there will be a 4-month transition period beginning June 1, 1987, and ending September 30, 1987.

    (g) If integrated operation of the Boulder Canyon Project with other Boulder City Area Projects and other Federal projects on the Colorado River, as provided in § 904.9 of these General Regulations, confers a direct power benefit upon such other Boulder City Area Projects and such other Federal projects, or if a direct power benefit is conferred by other Boulder City Area Projects or other Federal projects on the Colorado River upon the Boulder Canyon Project, Western shall equitably apportion such benefits and appropriate charges among the Boulder Canyon Project, other Boulder City Area Projects, and other Federal projects on the Colorado River.