Appendix F to Part 360 - Customer File Structure  

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  • Appendix F to Part 360 - Customer File Structure

    This is the structure of the data file to provide to the FDIC information related to each customer who has an account or sub-account reported in the deposit data or sweep/automated credit account file. If data or information are not maintained or do not apply, a null value in the appropriate field should be indicated. The file will be in a tab-or pipe-delimited ASCII format. Each file name will contain the institution's FDIC Certificate Number, an indication that it is a customer file type and the date of the extract. The files will be encrypted using an FDIC-supplied algorithm. The FDIC will transmit the encryption algorithm over FDICconnect.


    Each record must contain the customer's name and permanent legal address. Fields 4-12 relate to the customer name for individuals only. Fields 13-14 relate to the customer name for entities other than individuals. Some systems provide for separate fields for name, street address, city, state, ZIP, and country, all of which are parsed out. Others systems may simply provide multiple lines for name, street address, city, state, ZIP, with no distinction. In this case, certain name and address data elements must be parsed and provided in the appropriate fields.

    Field name Field description Comments Format
    1. CS__Cust__Identifier Customer Identifier Character (25).
    The unique field used by the institution to identify the customer
    2. CS__Tax__ID Customer Tax ID Number Hyphens are optional in this field Character (11).
    The tax identification number on record for the customer
    3. CS__Tax__Code Customer Tax ID Code Character (1).
    The type of the tax identification number of the customer. Possible values are:
    • S = Social Security Number
    • T = Federal Tax Identification Number
    • O = Other
    4. CS__Name__Line - 1 Individual Customer Name Line 1 Character (100).
    If available, the free-form name narrative of the customer, first line
    5. CS__Name__Line - 2 Individual Customer Name Line 2 Character (100).
    If available, the free-form name narrative of the customer, second line.
    6. CS__Last__Name Individual Customer Last Name
    For individuals, the customer's last name.
    This field is required if the data element is in the institution's records. If necessary, data should be parsed from fields 4 or 5 to obtain this element Character (50).
    7. CS__First__Name Individual Customer First Name
    For individuals, the customer's first name.
    This field is required if the data element is in the institution's records. If necessary, data should be parsed from fields 4 or 5 to obtain this element Character (50).
    8. CS__Middle__Name Individual Customer Middle Name
    For individuals, the customer's middle name.
    This field is required if the data element is in the institution's records. If necessary, data should be parsed from fields 4 or 5 to obtain this element Character (50).
    9. CS__Suffix Individual Professional Suffix
    For individuals, the suffix designating customer's academic, professional or honorary status, such as Esq., Ph.D., M.D., and D.D.S.
    This field is required if the data element is in the institution's records. If necessary, data should be parsed from fields 4 or 5 to obtain this element Character (20).
    10. CS__Generation Individual Generational Suffix
    For individuals, the suffix designating the customer's generational status, such as Jr., Sr. or III.
    This field is required if the data element is in the institution's records. If necessary, data should be parsed from fields 4 or 5 to obtain this element Character (10).
    11. CS__Prefix Individual Customer Prefix
    For individuals, the prefix of the customer, such as Rev., Dr., Mrs., Mr. or Ms.
    This field is required if the data element is in the institution's records. If necessary, data should be parsed from fields 4 or 5 to obtain this element Character (10).
    12. CS__Birth__Dt Individual Customer Birth Date Date (YYYYMMDD).
    For individuals, the customer's birth date
    13. CS__Ent__Name__Line - 1 Entity Name Line 1 Character (100).
    For entities other than individuals, the free-form name narrative of the customer, first line
    14. CS__Ent__Name__Line - 2 Entity Name Line 2 Character (100).
    If available for entities other than individuals, the free-form name narrative of the customer, second line
    15. CS__Nar__Addr__Line - 1 Customer Address Line 1 Character (100).
    If available, the free-form permanent legal address narrative for the customer, line one
    16. CS__Nar__Addr__Line - 2 Customer Address Line 2 Character (100).
    If available, the free-form permanent legal address narrative of the customer, line two
    17. CS__Nar__Addr__Line - 3 Customer Address Line 3 Character (100).
    If available, the free-form permanent legal address narrative of the customer, line three
    18. CS__Street__Address - 1 Street Address Line 1
    The permanent legal address of the customer, line one.
    This field is required. If necessary, data should be parsed from fields 16 or 17 to obtain this element Character (100).
    19. CS__Street__Address - 2 Street Address Line 2
    The permanent legal address of the customer, line two.
    This field is required. If necessary, data should be parsed from fields 16 or 17 to obtain this element Character (100).
    20. CS__City City
    The city associated with the permanent legal address.
    This field is required. If necessary, data should be parsed from fields 16 or 17 to obtain this element Character (25).
    21. CS__State State
    The state abbreviation associated with the permanent legal address.
    This field is required. If necessary, data should be parsed from fields 16 or 17 to obtain this element. Use a two-character state code (official U.S. Postal Service abbreviations) Character (2).
    22. CS__ZIP ZIP
    The ZIP + 4 code associated with the permanent legal address.
    This field is required. If necessary, data should be parsed from fields 16 or 17 to obtain this element. If the “ + 4” code is not available, provide only the 5-digit ZIP code. Hyphens are optional in this field Character (10).
    23. CS__Country Country
    The country associated with the permanent legal address.
    This field is required. If necessary, data should be parsed from fields 16 or 17 to obtain this element. Provide the name of the country or the standard IRS country code Character (10).
    24. CS__Telephone Customer Telephone Number Character (20).
    The telephone number on record for the customer
    25. CS__Email Customer Email Address Character (150).
    The e-mail address on record for the customer

    [73 FR 41197, July 17, 2008]