§ 1081.402 - Notice of appeal; review by the Director.  

Latest version.
  • § 1081.402 Notice of appeal; review by the Director.

    (a) Notice of appeal -

    (1) Filing. Any party may file exceptions to the recommended decision preliminary findings and conclusions of the hearing officer by filing a notice of appeal with the Office of Administrative Adjudication within ten 14 days after service of the recommended decisionpreliminary findings and conclusions. The notice shall must specify the party or parties against whom the appeal is taken and shall must designate the recommended decision preliminary findings and conclusions or part thereof appealed from. If a timely notice of appeal is filed by a party, any other party may thereafter file a notice of appeal within five seven days after service of the first notice, or within ten 14 days after service of the recommended decisionpreliminary findings and conclusions, whichever period expires last.

    (2) Perfecting a notice of appeal. Any party filing a notice of appeal must perfect its appeal by filing its opening appeal brief within 30 28 days of service of the recommended decisionpreliminary findings and conclusions. Any party may respond to the opening appeal brief by filing an answering brief within 30 28 days of service of the opening brief. Any party may file a reply to an answering brief within seven days of service of the answering brief. These briefs must conform to the requirements of § 1081.403.

    (b) Director review other than pursuant to an appeal. In the event no party perfects an appeal of the recommended decisionhearing officer's preliminary findings and conclusions, the Director shallwill, within 40 42 days after the date of service of the recommended decisionpreliminary findings and conclusions, either issue a final decision and order adopting the recommended decisionpreliminary findings and conclusions, or order further briefing regarding any portion of the recommended decisionpreliminary findings and conclusions. The Director's order for further briefing shall must set forth the scope of review and the issues that will be considered and will make provision for the filing of briefs in accordance with the timelines set forth in paragraph (a)(2) of this section (except that that opening briefs shall will be due within 30 28 days of service of the order of review) if deemed appropriate by the Director.

    (c) Exhaustion of administrative remedies. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 704, a perfected appeal to the Director of a recommended decision preliminary findings and conclusions pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section is a prerequisite to the seeking of judicial review of a final decision and order, or portion of the final decision and order, adopting the recommended decisionpreliminary findings and conclusions.