§ 1702.10 - Decision to grant or deny appeals.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Notification of decision. Within 30 business days following receipt of the appeal, the Privacy Act Appeals Officer shall send a written notification of the decision to grant or deny to the individual making the appeal. The Privacy Act Appeals Officer may extend the 30-day notification period for good cause. If the time period is extended, the Privacy Act Appeals Officer shall inform in writing the individual making the appeal of the reason for the extension and the expected date of the final decision.

    (b) Appeal granted. If the appeal for access is granted, in whole or in part, the Privacy Act Appeals Officer shall provide the individual with reasonable time to inspect the requested records at OFHEO during normal business hours or mail a copy of the requested records to the individual. If the appeal for amendment is granted, in whole or in part, the requested amendment shall be made. A copy of the amended record shall be provided to all prior recipients of the subject record in accordance with § 1702.12(b).

    (c) Appeal denied. If the Privacy Act Appeals Officer denies, in whole or in part, the appeal for access or amendment, he/she shall include in the written notification of the reasons for the denial an explanation of the right to seek judicial review of the final decision, and, with respect to an appeal for amendment, the right to submit a statement of disagreement under paragraph (d) of this section.

    (d) Statements of disagreement and explanation. (1) Upon receipt of a decision to deny, in whole or in part, the appeal for amendment of records, the individual may file a statement with the Privacy Act Appeals Officer that sets forth his/her reasons for disagreeing with the decision. The Privacy Act Appeals Officer shall attach the statement of disagreement to the record that is the subject of the request for amendment. In response to the statement of disagreement, the Privacy Act Appeals Officer has the discretion to prepare a statement that explains why the requested amendment was not made. If prepared, the statement of explanation shall be attached to the subject record and a copy of the statement provided to the individual who filed the statement of disagreement.

    (2) The Privacy Act Appeals Officer shall provide a copy of any statement of disagreement, and may provide any statement of explanation, to prior recipients of the subject record in accordance with § 1702.12(b).

    (e) Right to judicial review. If OFHEO does not comply with the notification procedures under paragraph (a) of this § 1720.10 with respect to an appeal for amendment of records, the appealing individual may bring a civil action against OFHEO in the appropriate district court of the United States, as provided for under 5 U.S.C. 552a(g)(1)(A) and 552a(g)(5) before receiving the written notification of the decision.