§ 1702.9 - Appeals of the initial decision to deny access to or amendment of individual records.  

Latest version.
  • Any individual may appeal the initial denial, in whole or in part, of a request for access to or amendment of his/her record. To appeal, the individual must submit a written appeal, within 30 business days following receipt of written notification of denial, to the Privacy Act Appeals Officer, Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, 1700 G Street, NW., Fourth Floor, Washington, DC 20552. Both the envelope and the appeal request should be marked “Privacy Act Appeal.” The appeal should include—

    (a) The information specified for requests for access in § 1702.3(b)(3) or for requests for amendment in § 1702.7, as appropriate;

    (b) A copy of the initial denial notice; and

    (c) Any other relevant information for consideration by the Privacy Act Appeals Officer.