§ 1703.14 - Responses to requests.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Response to initial request. The FOIA Officer of OFHEO is authorized to grant or deny any request for a record and to determine appropriate fees.

    (b) Referral to another agency. When a requester seeks records that originated in another Federal Government agency, OFHEO will refer the request to the other agency for response. If OFHEO refers the request to another agency, it will notify the requester of the referral. A request for any records classified by some other agency will be referred to that agency for response.

    (c) Creating records. If a person seeks information from OFHEO in a format that does not currently exist, OFHEO will make reasonable efforts to provide the information in the format requested. OFHEO is not required to create a new record of information to satisfy a request.

    (d) No responsive record. If no records are responsive to the request, the FOIA Officer will so notify the requester in writing.