§ 1703.22 - Fees to be charged—general.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Generally, the fees charged for requests for records pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act will cover the full allowable direct costs of searching for, reproducing, and reviewing records that are responsive to a request for information. Fees will be assessed according to the schedule contained in paragraph (b) of this section and the category of requesters described in § 1703.23 of this subpart for services rendered by OFHEO staff in responding to, and processing requests for, records under this part. Fees assessed shall be paid by check or money order payable to the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight.

    (b) Types of charges. The types of charges that may be assessed in connection with the production of records in response to a FOIA request are as follows:

    (1) Searches. (i) Manual searches for records. OFHEO will charge for actual search time, billed in 15-minute segments, at a rate determined by whether the employee performing the work is classified as clerical, professional, or executive. The hourly fee for each classification is based on the average of the actual compensation (salary and benefits) of employees in the classification and is adjusted periodically to reflect significant changes in the average compensation of the class. The “executive” classification includes the senior management of OFHEO, i.e. Director, Deputy Director, Associate Directors and Deputy Associate Directors. The “clerical” classification includes employees performing primarily secretarial, clerical, or ministerial tasks. The “professional” classification includes all positions not classified as “executive” or “clerical.” A current fee schedule is available on electronically at http://www.ofheo.gov/docs/ or by regular mail.

    (ii) Computer searches for records. Requesters will be charged at the actual direct costs of conducting a search using existing programming. These direct costs will include the cost of operating the computer equipment for that portion of operating time that is directly attributable to searching for records and the cost of the time of the employee performing the work, determined as described in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section. A charge will also be made for any substantial amounts of special supplies or materials used to contain, present, or make available the output of computers, based upon the prevailing levels of costs to OFHEO for the type and amount of such supplies of materials that are used. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to entitle any person or entity, as of right, to any services in connection with computerized records, other than services to which such person or entity may be entitled under the provisions of this subpart.

    (iii) Unproductive searches. OFHEO may charge search fees even if no records are found that are responsive to the request or if the records found are exempt from disclosure.

    (2) Reproduction. Records will be photocopied at a rate of $.15 per page. For copies prepared by computer, such as tapes or printouts, the requester will be charged the actual cost, including operator time, of production of the tape or printout. For other methods of reproduction, the actual direct costs of reproducing the record(s) will be charged.

    (3) Review. Only requesters who are seeking records for commercial use may be charged for time spent reviewing records to determine whether they are exempt from mandatory disclosure. Charges may be assessed only for initial review, i.e., the review undertaken the first time OFHEO analyzes the applicability of a specific exemption to a particular record or portion of a record. Records or portions of records withheld in full under an exemption that is subsequently determined not to apply may be reviewed again to determine the applicability of other exemptions not previously considered. The costs for such a review are properly assessable.

    (4) Other services and materials. Where OFHEO elects, as a matter of administrative discretion, to comply with a request for a special service or materials, such as certifying that records are true copies or sending records by special methods, the actual direct costs of providing the service or materials will be charged.