§ 1703.34 - Request for testimony or production of documents.  

Latest version.
  • (a) No employee shall give testimony concerning official matters or produce any official documents in any legal proceeding to which OFHEO is not a named party without the prior written authorization of the Director.

    (b) If testimony by an employee concerning official matters or the production of official documents is desired, the requesting party, or his or her attorney, shall submit a letter to the Director setting forth the title of the case, the forum, the requesting party's interest in the case, a summary of the issues in the litigation, the reasons for the request, and a showing that the desired testimony, documents, or information are not reasonably available from any other source. If an appearance or testimony is requested, the letter shall also set forth the intended use of the testimony, a general summary of the scope of the testimony requested, and a showing that no document could be provided and used in lieu of the testimony or other appearance requested.

    (c) The General Counsel is authorized to consult with the requesting party or his or her attorney to refine and limit the request so that compliance is less burdensome, or obtain information necessary to make the determination described in § 1703.33 of this subpart. Failure of the requesting party, or his or her attorney, to cooperate in good faith with the General Counsel to enable the Director to make an informed determination under this subpart may serve as the basis for a determination not to comply with the request.

    [63 FR 71005, Dec. 23, 1998. Redesignated and amended at 65 FR 81327, Dec. 26, 2000]