§ 1703.7 - Applicability.  

Latest version.
  • (a) General. The FOIA and the regulations in this part apply to all OFHEO documents and information. However, if another law sets specific procedure for disclosure, OFHEO will process a request in accordance with the procedures that apply to those specific documents. If a request is received for disclosure of a document to the public which is not required to be released under those provisions, OFHEO will consider the request under the FOIA and the regulations in this part.

    (b) The relationship between the FOIA and the Privacy Act of 1974. The Privacy Act of 1974 (Privacy Act), 5 U.S.C. 552a, applies to records that are about individuals, but only if the records are in a system of records as defined in the Privacy Act. Requests from individuals for records about themselves which are contained in an OFHEO system of records will be processed under the provisions of the Privacy Act as well as the FOIA. OFHEO will not deny access by a first party to a record under the FOIA or the Privacy Act unless the record is not available to that individual under both the Privacy Act and the FOIA.

    (c) Records available through routine distribution procedures. When the record requested includes material published and offered for sale, e.g., by the Superintendent of Documents or the Government Printing Office, or which is available to the public through an established distribution system (such as that of the National Technical Information Service of the Department of Commerce), or material offered on OFHEO's web site (http://www.ofheo.gov), OFHEO will first refer the requester to those sources. Nevertheless, if the requester is not satisfied with the alternative sources, OFHEO will process the request under the FOIA.