§ 1704.26 - Special review where OFHEO is the creditor agency.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Request for review. (1) An employee subject to salary offset or a voluntary repayment agreement may, at any time, request a special review by OFHEO of the amount of the salary offset or voluntary repayment, based on materially changed circumstances, including, but not limited to, catastrophic illness, divorce, death, or disability.

    (2) The request for special review must include an alternative proposed offset or payment schedule and a detailed statement, with supporting documents, that shows why the current salary offset or payments result in extreme financial hardship to the employee and his or her spouse and dependents. The detailed statement must indicate:

    (i) Income from all sources;

    (ii) Assets;

    (iii) Liabilities;

    (iv) Number of dependents;

    (v) Expenses for food, housing, clothing, and transportation;

    (vi) Medical expenses; and

    (vii) Exceptional expenses, if any.

    (b) Evaluation of request. OFHEO shall evaluate the statement and supporting documents and determine whether the original offset or repayment schedule imposes extreme financial hardship on the employee. OFHEO shall notify the employee in writing within 30 calendar days of such determination, including, if appropriate, a revised offset or payment schedule. If the special review results in a revised offset or repayment schedule, OFHEO shall provide a new certification to the paying agency.