§ 1805.903 - Data collection and reporting.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Data—general. An Awardee (and a Community Partner, if appropriate) shall maintain such records as may be prescribed by the Fund which are necessary to:

    (1) Disclose the manner in which Fund assistance is used;

    (2) Demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this part and an Assistance Agreement; and

    (3) Evaluate the impact of the CDFI Program.

    (b) Customer profiles. An Awardee (and a Community Partner, if appropriate) shall compile such data on the gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, or other information on individuals that utilize its products and services as the Fund shall prescribe in an Assistance Agreement. Such data will be used to determine whether residents of Investment Area(s) or members of Targeted Population(s) are adequately served.

    (c) Access to records. An Awardee (and a Community Partner, if appropriate) must submit such financial and activity reports, records, statements, and documents at such times, in such forms, and accompanied by such reporting data, as required by the Fund or the U.S. Department of Treasury to ensure compliance with the requirements of this part and to evaluate the impact of the CDFI Program. The United States Government, including the U.S. Department of Treasury, the Comptroller General, and their duly authorized representatives, shall have full and free access to the Awardee's offices and facilities and all books, documents, records, and financial statements relating to use of Federal funds and may copy such documents as they deem appropriate. The Fund, if it deems appropriate, may prescribe access to record requirements for entities that are borrowers of, or that receive investments from, an Awardee.

    (d) Retention of records. An Awardee shall comply with all record retention requirements as set forth in OMB Circular A-110 (as applicable).

    (e) Review. (1) At least annually, the Fund will review the progress of an Awardee (and a Community Partner, if appropriate) in implementing its Comprehensive Business Plan and satisfying the terms and conditions of its Assistance Agreement.

    (2) An Awardee shall submit a report within 45 days after the end of each calendar quarter, or within some other period after the end of each calendar quarter as may be agreed to in the Assistance Agreement, with information on, unless otherwise determined by mutual agreement between the Awardee and the Fund, the performance of its loans, Development Investments, Development Services, and Financial Services in the previous quarter, and unaudited financial statements. Such report shall include key indicators of portfolio performance, including volume of originations, delinquencies, and defaults, and charge-offs for the previous quarter.

    (3) An Awardee shall submit a report within 60 days after the end of each Federal fiscal year, or by such alternative deadline as may be agreed to in the Assistance Agreement, with:

    (i) Information on its customer profile and the performance of its loans, Development Investments, Development Services, and Financial Services for the previous year;

    (ii) Information on its portfolio performance, including volume of originations, delinquencies, and defaults and charge-offs for the previous year;

    (iii) Qualitative and quantitative information on an Awardee's compliance with its performance goals and (if appropriate) an analysis of factors contributing to any failure to meet such goals;

    (iv) Information describing the manner in which Fund assistance and any corresponding matching funds were used. The Fund will use such information to verify that assistance was used in a manner consistent with the Assistance Agreement;

    (v) Certification that an Awardee continues to meet the eligibility requirements described in § 1805.200; and

    (vi) Its most recent audited financial statements prepared by an independent certified public accountant. Such statements shall cover the operations of the Awardee's most recently completed fiscal year. The audit shall be conducted in accordance with generally accepted Government Auditing Standards set forth in the General Accounting Office's Government Auditing Standards (1994 Revision) issued by the Comptroller General and OMB Circular A-133 (“Audits of Institutions of Higher Education and Other Nonprofit Institutions”), as applicable.

    (4) The Fund shall make reports described in paragraph (e)(2) and (e)(3) of this section available for public inspection after deleting any materials necessary to protect privacy or proprietary interests.

    (f) Exchange of information with Appropriate Federal Banking Agencies. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (f)(4) of this section, prior to directly requesting information from or imposing reporting or record keeping requirements on an Insured CDFI or other institution that is examined by or subject to the reporting requirements of an Appropriate Federal Banking Agency, the Fund shall consult with the Appropriate Federal Banking Agency to determine if the information requested is available from or may be obtained by such agency in the form, format, and detail required by the Fund.

    (2) If the information, reports, or records requested by the Fund pursuant to paragraph (f)(1) of this section are not provided by the Appropriate Federal Banking Agency within 15 calendar days after the date on which the material is requested, the Fund may request the information from or impose the record keeping or reporting requirements directly on such institutions with notice to the Appropriate Federal Banking Agency.

    (3) The Fund shall use any information provided by the Appropriate Federal Banking Agency under this section to the extent practicable to eliminate duplicative requests for information and reports from, and record keeping by, an Insured CDFI or other institution that is examined by or subject to the reporting requirements of an Appropriate Federal Banking Agency.

    (4) Notwithstanding paragraphs (f)(1) and (2) of this section, the Fund may require an Insured CDFI or other institution that is examined by or subject to the reporting requirements of an Appropriate Federal Banking Agency to provide information with respect to the institution's implementation of its Comprehensive Business Plan or compliance with the terms of its Assistance Agreement, after providing notice to the Appropriate Federal Banking Agency.

    (5) Nothing in this part shall be construed to permit the Fund to require an Insured CDFI or other institution that is examined by or subject to the reporting requirements of a Appropriate Federal Banking Agency to obtain, maintain, or furnish an examination report of any Appropriate Federal Banking Agency or records contained in or related to such report.

    (6) The Fund and the Appropriate Federal Banking Agency shall promptly notify each other of material concerns about an Awardee that is an Insured CDFI or that is examined by or subject to the reporting requirements of an Appropriate Federal Banking Agency, and share appropriate information relating to such concerns.

    (7) Neither the Fund nor the Appropriate Federal Banking Agency shall disclose confidential information obtained pursuant to this section from any party without the written consent of that party.

    (8) The Fund, the Appropriate Federal Banking Agency, and any other party providing information under this paragraph (f) of this section shall not be deemed to have waived any privilege applicable to the any information or data, or any portion thereof, by providing such information or data to the other party or by permitting such data or information, or any copies or portions thereof, to be used by the other party.

    (g) Availability of referenced publications. The publications referenced in this section are available as follows:

    (1) OMB Circulars may be obtained from the Office of Administration, Publications Office, 725 17th Street, NW., Room 2200, New Executive Office Building, Washington, DC 20503; and

    (2) General Accounting Office materials may be obtained from GAO Distribution, 700 4th Street, NW., Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20548.