§ 192.115 - Review of business plan by the appropriate Federal banking agency.  

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  • § 192.115 How will Review of business plan by the appropriate Federal banking agency review my business plan?.

    (a) Agency review. The appropriate Federal banking agency will review your the savings association's business plan to determine that it demonstrates a safe and sound deployment of conversion proceeds, as part of its review of your the application for conversion application. In making its determination, the appropriate Federal banking agency will consider how you have the savings association has addressed the applicable factors of § 192.105. No single factor will be determinative.

    (b) If you are a Federal Filing of business plan. A savings association , you must file your its business plan as a separate confidential exhibit to the Form AC with the appropriate OCC licensing office . If you are a state if it is a Federal savings association, you must file your business plan or with the appropriate Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) region if it is a State savings association. The appropriate Federal banking agency may request additional information, if necessary, to support its determination under paragraph (a) of this section. You must file your business plan as a confidential exhibit to the Form AC.

    (c) (c) Operation within business plan. If the appropriate Federal banking agency approves your a savings association's application for conversion and you complete your the conversion is completed, you the savings association must operate within the parameters of your its business plan. You The savings association must obtain the prior written approval of the appropriate Federal banking agency for any material deviations from your its business plan.