§ 25.09 - Assessment area.  

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  • § 25.09 Assessment area.

    (a) General. A bank must delineate one or more assessment areas within which the OCC evaluates the bank's record of helping to meet the credit needs of its community. The OCC reviews the delineation for compliance with the requirements of this section. Unless pursuant to an approved application covered under § 25.02(a)(3) for a merger or consolidation with an insured depository institution, an assessment area delineation can only change once a year and must not change within the annual period used to determine an assessment area CRA evaluation measure under § 25.11(c).

    (b) Facility-based assessment area(s).

    (1) A bank must delineate an assessment area encompassing each location where the bank maintains a main office, a branch, or a non-branch deposit-taking facility that is not an ATM as well as the surrounding locations in which the bank has originated or purchased a substantial portion of its qualifying retail loans. Assessment areas delineated under this paragraph may contain one or more of these facilities and may also contain one or more deposit-taking ATMs.

    (2) A bank may delineate an assessment area encompassing locations where it maintains a deposit-taking ATM as well as the surrounding locations in which the bank has originated or purchased a substantial portion of its qualifying retail loans. Assessment areas delineated under this paragraph may contain one or more of these facilities and may also contain one or more of the facilities in paragraph (b)(1) of this section.

    (3) A facility-based assessment area must be delineated to consist of:

    (i) One whole metropolitan statistical area (using the metropolitan statistical area boundaries that were in effect as of January 1 of the calendar year in which the delineation is made);

    (ii) The whole nonmetropolitan area of a state;

    (iii) One or more whole, contiguous metropolitan divisions in a single metropolitan statistical area (using the metropolitan division boundaries that were in effect as of January 1 of the calendar year in which the delineation is made); or

    (iv) One or more whole, contiguous counties or county equivalents in a single metropolitan statistical area or nonmetropolitan area.

    (4) A bank may delineate its facility-based assessment area(s) in the smallest geographic area where it maintains a main office, branch, or non-branch deposit-taking facility or may delineate a larger assessment area that includes these locations, as provided in paragraph (b)(3) of this section.

    (5) A facility-based assessment area may not extend beyond a metropolitan statistical area or state boundary unless the assessment area is located in a multistate metropolitan statistical area. If a bank serves a geographic area that extends beyond a state boundary, the bank must delineate separate assessment areas for the areas in each state. If a bank serves a geographic area that extends beyond a metropolitan statistical area boundary, the bank must delineate separate assessment areas for the areas inside and outside the metropolitan statistical area.

    (c) Deposit-based assessment area(s).

    (1) A bank that receives 50 percent or more of its retail domestic deposits from geographic areas outside of its facility-based assessment areas must delineate separate, non-overlapping assessment areas where it receives 5 percent or more of its retail domestic deposits.

    (2) A deposit-based assessment area must be delineated to consist of:

    (i) One whole state;

    (ii) One whole metropolitan statistical area (using the metropolitan statistical area boundaries that were in effect as of January 1 of the calendar year in which the delineation is made);

    (iii) The whole nonmetropolitan area of a state;

    (iv) One or more whole, contiguous metropolitan divisions in a single metropolitan statistical area (using the metropolitan division boundaries that were in effect as of January 1 of the calendar year in which the delineation is made);

    (v) The remaining geographic area of a state, metropolitan statistical area, nonmetropolitan area, or metropolitan division other than where it has a facility-based assessment area; or

    (vi) One or more whole, contiguous counties or county equivalents in a single metropolitan statistical area or nonmetropolitan area.

    (3) A bank may delineate its deposit-based assessment area(s) in the smallest geographic area where it receives 5 percent or more of its retail domestic deposits or may delineate a larger assessment area that includes these geographic areas, as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.

    (d) Limitations on delineation of assessment areas. A bank's assessment areas must not:

    (1) Reflect illegal discrimination; or

    (2) Arbitrarily exclude low- or moderate-income census tracts, taking into account the bank's size and financial condition.

    (e) Military banks. Notwithstanding the requirements of this section, a military bank's assessment area will consist of the entire United States of America and its territories. A military bank will only be evaluated under § 25.13(c).

    (f) Banks evaluated under strategic plans. A bank evaluated under a strategic plan will delineate its assessment area(s) in accordance with the requirements of § 25.18(g)(2).

    (g) Use of assessment area(s). The OCC uses the assessment area(s) delineated by a bank in its evaluation of the bank's CRA performance unless the OCC determines that the assessment area(s) do not comply with the requirements of this section.