Part 268 - Rules Regarding Equal Opportunity  

Subpart A - General Provisions and Administration
§ 268.1 - Authority, purpose and scope.
§ 268.2 - Definitions.
Subpart B - Board Program To Promote Equal Opportunity
§ 268.101 - General policy for equal opportunity.
§ 268.102 - Board program for equal employment opportunity.
§ 268.103 - Complaints of discrimination covered by this part.
§ 268.104 - Pre-complaint processing.
§ 268.105 - Individual complaints.
§ 268.106 - Dismissals of complaints.
§ 268.107 - Investigation of complaints.
§ 268.108 - Hearings.
§ 268.109 - Final action by the Board.
§ 268.206 - Dismissals of complaints.
§ 268.207 - Investigation of complaints.
§ 268.208 - Hearings.
§ 268.209 - Final decisions.
Subpart C - Provisions Applicable to Particular Complaints
§ 268.201 - Age Discrimination in Employment Act.
§ 268.202 - Equal Pay Act.
§ 268.203 - Rehabilitation Act.
§ 268.204 - Class complaints.
§ 268.205 - [Reserved]
§ 268.303 - Rehabilitation Act.
§ 268.304 - Employment of noncitizens.
§ 268.305 - Class complaints.
Subpart D - Related Processes
§ 268.301 - Negotiated grievance procedure.
§ 268.302 - [Reserved]
Subpart E - Appeals to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
§ 268.401 - Appeals to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
§ 268.402 - Time for appeals to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
§ 268.403 - How to appeal.
§ 268.404 - Appellate Procedure.
§ 268.405 - Decisions on appeals.
§ 268.406 - Civil action: title VII, Age Discrimination in Employment Act and Rehabilitation Act.
§ 268.407 - Civil action: Equal Pay Act.
§ 268.408 - Effect of filing a civil action.
§ 268.506 - Civil action: Equal Pay Act.
§ 268.507 - Effect of filing a civil action.
Subpart F - Remedies and Enforcement
§ 268.501 - Remedies and relief.
§ 268.502 - Compliance with final Commission decisions.
§ 268.503 - Enforcement of final EEOC decisions.
§ 268.504 - Compliance with settlement agreements and final actions.
§ 268.505 - Interim relief.
Subpart G - Matters of General Applicability
§ 268.601 - EEO group statistics.
§ 268.602 - Reports to the Commission.
§ 268.603 - Voluntary settlement attempts.
§ 268.604 - Filing and computation of time.
§ 268.605 - Representation and official time.
§ 268.606 - Joint processing and consolidation of complaints.
§ 268.607 - Delegation of authority.
Subpart H - Prohibition Against Discrimination in Board Programs and Activities Because of Physical or Mental Disability
§ 268.701 - Purpose and application.
§ 268.702 - Definitions.
§ 268.703 - Notice.
§ 268.704 - General prohibitions against discrimination.
§ 268.705 - Employment.
§ 268.706 - Program accessibility: Discrimination prohibited.
§ 268.707 - Program accessibility: Existing facilities.
§ 268.708 - Program accessibility: New construction and alterations.
§ 268.709 - Communications.
§ 268.710 - Compliance procedures.