§ 404.30 - Notification of General Counsel required.  

Latest version.
  • § 404.30 Factors Notification of General Counsel may consider in determining whether to authorize testimony and/or the production of records.

    In determining whether to authorize


    Ex-Im Bank personnel to provide receiving a demand for testimony and/or produce production of records regarding information acquired in the course of their performance of official duties, or due to their official status, shall immediately notify the General Counsel may consider factors including, but not limited to, the following:

    (a) Efficiency - the conservation


    the time and resources of

    Ex-Im Bank

    personnel for the conduct of official business;

    (b) Undue burden - whether the demand creates an undue burden upon Ex-Im Bank or is otherwise inappropriate under any applicable administrative or court rules;

    (c) Appearance of bias - whether the testimony and/or production of records could result in the public perception that Ex-Im Bank is favoring one party over another, or advocating the position of a party to the proceeding;

    (d) Furtherance of agency policy - whether the testimony and/or production of records is consistent with the policy and mission of the Ex-Im Bank;

    (e) Prevention of fraud or injustice - whether the disclosure of the information requested is necessary to prevent the perpetration of fraud or injustice;

    (f) Relevance to litigation - whether the testimony and/or production of records sought is relevant to the subject litigation;

    (g) Necessity - whether the testimony and/or production of records, including a release of such in camera, is appropriate or necessary as determined by either the procedural rules governing the legal proceeding, or according to the relevant laws concerning privilege;

    (h) Availability from another source - whether the information sought through testimony or production of records is available from another source;

    (i) Violations of laws or regulations - whether the testimony and/or production of records would violate a statute, regulation, executive order, or other official directive;

    (j) Classified information - whether the testimony and/or production of records would improperly reveal information classified pursuant to applicable statute or Executive Order; and

    (k) Compromise of rights and interests - whether the testimony and/or production of records would compromise any of the following: law enforcement interests, constitutional rights, national security interests, foreign policy interests, or the confidentiality of commercial and/or financial information.

    (“General Counsel”) upon receipt of such demand. The General Counsel maintains the exclusive authority to waive the requirements of any or all sections of this subpart and reserves the right to delegate his or her authority under this subpart to other appropriate Ex-Im Bank personnel.

    [71 FR 14361, Mar. 22, 2006. Redesignated at 87 FR 41034, July 11, 2022]