Part 602 - Releasing Information  

Subpart A - Information and Records Generally
§ 602.1 - Purpose and scope.
§ 602.2 - Disclosing reports of examination and other non-public information.
§ 602.200 - General rule.
§ 602.205 - Farm Credit Administration examination reports.
§ 602.215 - Data regarding borrowers and loan applicants.
§ 602.220 - Waiver of restrictions.
Subpart B - Availability of Records of the Farm Credit Administration
§ 602.3 - Definitions.
§ 602.4 - How to make a request.
§ 602.5 - FCA response to requests for records.
§ 602.6 - FOIA exemptions.
§ 602.7 - Confidential business information.
§ 602.8 - Appeals.
§ 602.9 - Current FOIA index.
§ 602.250 - Official records of the Farm Credit Administration.
§ 602.251 - Current index.
§ 602.255 - Identification of records requested.
§ 602.260 - Request for records.
§ 602.261 - Response to requests for records.
§ 602.262 - Business information.
Subpart C - FOIA Fees
§ 602.10 - Definitions.
§ 602.11 - Fees by type of requester.
§ 602.12 - Fees.
§ 602.13 - Fee waiver.
§ 602.14 - Advance payments - notice.
§ 602.15 - Interest on unpaid fees.
§ 602.16 - Combining requests.
§ 602.265 - Definitions.
§ 602.266 - Categories of requesters—fees.
§ 602.267 - Fees to be charged.
§ 602.268 - Waiver or reduction of fees.
§ 602.269 - Advance payments—notice.
§ 602.270 - Interest.
§ 602.271 - Charges for unsuccessful searches or reviews.
§ 602.272 - Aggregating requests.
Subpart D - Testimony and Production of Documents in Legal Proceedings in Which FCA is Not a Named Party
§ 602.17 - Policy.
§ 602.18 - Definitions.
§ 602.19 - Request for testimony or production of documents.
§ 602.20 - Testimony of FCA employees.
§ 602.21 - Production of FCA documents.
§ 602.22 - Fees.
§ 602.23 - Responses to demands served on FCA employees.
§ 602.24 - Responses to demands served on non-FCA employees or entities.
§ 602.280 - General purposes.
§ 602.281 - Definitions.
§ 602.282 - General policy.
§ 602.283 - Request for testimony or production of documents.
§ 602.284 - Scope of permissible testimony.
§ 602.285 - Manner in which testimony is given.
§ 602.286 - Manner in which documents will be produced.
§ 602.287 - Fees.
§ 602.288 - Responses to demands served on FCA employees.
§ 602.289 - Responses to demands served on non-FCA employees or entities.
Subpart E - Release of Records in Public Rulemaking Files
§ 602.25 - General.