§ 602.287 - Fees.  

Latest version.
  • Unless waived or reduced, the following fees shall be charged for documents produced by the FCA in connection with requests subject to this subpart:

    (a) Searches for documents. $1.50 for each one-quarter hour (or fraction thereof) per employee for time spent by clerical personnel in excess of the first quarter hour and $3.15 for each one-

    quarter hour (or fraction thereof) per employee for time spent by professional or managerial personnel in excess of the first quarter hour in locating, examining, preparing or copying the documents, and for transportation of personnel and documents necessary to the search.

    (b) Copying of documents. Ten cents per copy of each page made by photocopy or similar process. Normally, only one copy will be provided. Additional copies will be provided only upon a showing of demonstrated need.

    (c) Certification or authentication of documents. $3.00 per certification or authentication.

    (d) Computer searches. Services of personnel in the nature of a computer search shall be charged for at rates prescribed in paragraph (a) of this section. A charge shall be made for the computer time involved, based upon the prevailing level of costs to the FCA and upon the particular types of computer and associated equipment and the amount of time that such equipment is utilized. A charge shall also be made for any substantial amount of special supplies or materials used to contain, present, or make available the output of computers, based upon prevailing levels of costs to the FCA and upon the type and amount of such supplies or materials that are used.

    (e) Other costs. When other services and materials not specifically identified in this section are requested and provided, their actual cost to the FCA shall be charged.

    (f) Payment of fees. A bill will be forwarded to the requesting party upon completion of the production. Payment shall be made by check or money order payable to the FCA.