§ 602.288 - Responses to demands served on FCA employees.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Any FCA employee who is served with a demand in a legal proceeding shall immediately notify the General Counsel of such service, of the testimony or documents described in the demand and of all relevant facts.

    (b) When authorization to testify or to produce documents has not been granted by the Chairman, FCA counsel shall provide the party issuing the demand or the court with a copy of the regulations contained in this subpart and shall inform the party issuing the demand or the court that the employee upon whom the demand has been made is prohibited from testifying or producing documents without the prior approval of the Chairman.

    (c) If the court rules that the demand must be complied with irrespective of instructions from the Chairman not to produce the documents or disclose the information sought, the FCA employee upon whom the demand has been made shall respectfully decline to comply with the demand.

    (d) A determination under this subpart to comply or not to comply with any demand shall not constitute an assertion or waiver of privilege, lack of relevance, technical deficiencies or any other ground for noncompliance. The FCA reserves the right to oppose any demand on any legal ground independent of its determination under this subpart.