§ 615.5560 - Book-entry Procedure for Farm Credit System Financial Assistance Corporation Securities.

Latest version.
  • (a) The Farm Credit System Financial Assistance Corporation (Financial Assistance Corporation) is a federally chartered instrumentality of the United States, and an institution of the Farm Credit System, subject to the examination and regulation of the Farm Credit Administration.

    (b) Subject to the approval of the Farm Credit System Assistance Board, the Financial Assistance Corporation is authorized by section 6.26 of the Act to issue uncollateralized bonds, notes, debentures, and similar obligations, guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and interest by the Secretary of the Treasury, for a term of 15 years (Financial Assistance Corporation securities). The Financial Assistance Corporation may prescribe the forms, the denominations, the rates of interest, the conditions, the manner of issuance and the prices of such Financial Assistance Corporation obligations.

    (c) Financial Assistance Corporation securities shall be governed by §§ 615.5450, and 615.5452 through 615.5460. In interpreting those sections for purposes of this subpart, unless the context requires otherwise, the term “Financial Assistance Corporation securities” shall be read for “Farm Credit securities,” and “Financial Assistance Corporation” shall be read for “Farm Credit banks” and “Funding Corporation.” These terms shall be read as though modified where necessary to effectuate the application of the designated sections of subpart O of this part to the Financial Assistance Corporation.