Part 622 - Rules of Practice and Procedure  

Subpart A - Rules Applicable to Formal Hearings
§ 622.1 - Scope of regulations.
§ 622.2 - Definitions.
§ 622.3 - Appearance and practice.
§ 622.4 - Commencement of proceedings.
§ 622.5 - Answer.
§ 622.6 - Opportunity for informal settlement.
§ 622.7 - Conduct of hearings.
§ 622.8 - Rules of evidence.
§ 622.9 - Subpoenas.
§ 622.10 - Depositions.
§ 622.11 - Motions.
§ 622.12 - Proposed findings and conclusions; recommended decision.
§ 622.13 - Exceptions.
§ 622.14 - Briefs.
§ 622.15 - Oral argument before the Board.
§ 622.16 - Notice of submission to the Board.
§ 622.17 - Decision of the Board.
§ 622.18 - Filing.
§ 622.19 - Service.
§ 622.20 - Documents in proceedings confidential.
§ 622.21 - Computing time.
§ 622.22 - Retained authority.
§§ 622.23--622.50 - [Reserved]
Subpart B - Rules and Procedures for Assessment and Collection of Civil Money Penalties
§ 622.51 - Definitions.
§ 622.52 - Purpose and scope.
§ 622.53 - Notification of alleged violations.
§ 622.54 - Relevant considerations.
§ 622.55 - Notice of assessment of civil money penalty.
§ 622.56 - Request for formal hearing on assessment.
§ 622.57 - Waiver of hearing; consent.
§ 622.58 - Hearing on assessment.
§ 622.59 - Assessment order.
§ 622.60 - Payment of civil money penalty.
§ 622.61 - Adjustment of civil money penalties by the rate of inflation under the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act of 1990, as amended.
§§ 622.62--622.75 - [Reserved]
§§ 622.53--622.54 - [Reserved]
Subpart C - Rules and Procedures Applicable to Suspension or Removal of an Individual Where Certain Crimes Are Charged or Proven
§ 622.76 - Definitions.
§ 622.77 - Purpose and scope.
§ 622.78 - Suspension, prohibition or removal.
§ 622.79 - Petition for informal hearing.
§ 622.80 - Informal hearing.
§ 622.81 - Default.
§ 622.82 - Decision of the Board.
§§ 622.83--622.100 - [Reserved]
Subpart D - Rules and Procedures Applicable to Formal Investigations
§ 622.101 - Definitions.
§ 622.102 - Scope.
§ 622.103 - Formal investigations are confidential.
§ 622.104 - Order to conduct formal investigation.
§ 622.105 - Conduct of investigation.
§ 622.106 - Service of subpoena and payment of witness fees.
§ 622.107 - Transcripts.