§ 703.90 - What must I do to monitor the risk of my securities?  

Latest version.
  • (a) At least monthly, you (a federal credit union) must prepare a written report setting forth, for each security you hold, the fair value and dollar change since the prior month-end, with summary information for the entire portfolio.

    (b) At least quarterly, you must prepare a written report setting forth the sum of the fair values of all fixed and variable rate securities you hold that have one or more of the following features:

    (1) Embedded options;

    (2) Remaining maturities greater than 3 years; or

    (3) Coupon formulas that are related to more than one index or are inversely related to, or multiples of, an index.

    (c) Where the amount calculated in paragraph (b) of this section is greater than your net capital, the report described in that paragraph must provide a reasonable and supportable estimate of the potential impact, in percentage and dollar terms, of an immediate and sustained parallel shift in market interest rates of plus and minus 300 basis points on:

    (1) The fair value of each security in your portfolio;

    (2) The fair value of your portfolio as a whole; and

    (3) Your net capital.

    (d) Where you do not have an investment-related committee, each member of your board of directors must receive a copy of the reports described in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section. Where you have an investment-related committee, each member of the committee must receive copies of the reports, and each member of the board must receive a summary of the information in the reports.