Part 797 - Procedures for Debt Collection  

Subpart A - Scope, Purpose, Definitions and Delegation of Authority
§ 797.1 - Scope.
§ 797.2 - Purpose.
§ 797.3 - Definitions.
§ 797.4 - Delegation of authority.
Subpart B - Administrative Offset
§ 797.5 - Authority and scope.
§ 797.6 - Administrative offset prior to completion of procedures.
§ 797.7 - Procedures.
§ 797.8 - Right to agency review.
§ 797.9 - Review procedures.
§ 797.10 - Special review.
§ 797.11 - Interest, administrative costs, and penalties.
§ 797.12 - Refunds.
§ 797.13 - Requests for administrative offset where NCUA is the creditor agency.
§ 797.14 - Requests for administrative offset from other federal agencies where NCUA is the paying agency.
§ 797.15 - Administrative offset against amounts payable from Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund.
§ 797.16 - Stay of offset.
Subpart C - Salary Offset
§ 797.17 - Authority and scope.
§ 797.18 - Notice requirements where NCUA is the creditor agency.
§ 797.19 - Review of NCUA records related to the debt.
§ 797.20 - Procedures to request a hearing.
§ 797.21 - Hearing procedures.
§ 797.22 - Voluntary repayment agreement.
§ 797.23 - Certification where NCUA is the creditor agency.
§ 797.24 - Certification where NCUA is the paying agency.
§ 797.25 - Recovery from final check or other payments due a separated employee.