§ 900.13 - Office of Policy.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The Office of Policy coordinates the Finance Board's policy development activities and provides advice to the Chairperson and the Board of Directors on the economic, financial, housing and community and economic development, and competitive environments in which the Bank System and its members operate. The responsibilities of the Office of Policy include:

    (1) Analysis and modeling of the financial performance of the Banks;

    (2) Collection and analysis of financial data in order to prepare the Bank System's annual combined financial reports and other periodic reports on Bank System operations;

    (3) Collection and analysis of data on the housing and community and economic development activities of the Banks;

    (4) Analysis of the Banks’ performance under the Affordable Housing Program and the Community Investment Program;

    (5) Analysis of policy issues arising under the Affordable Housing Program and the Community Investment Program;

    (6) Preparation of the Monthly Survey of Rates and Terms of Conventional One-Family Nonfarm Mortgage Loans and determination of the conforming loan limit for Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) purchases and guarantees; and

    (7) Review of the Banks’ quarterly dividend recommendations.

    (b) The Office of Policy is the Finance Board's primary liaison with the Banks’ Chief Financial Officers concerning financial management issues, the Banks’ Community Investment Officers concerning community and economic development, the Banks’ Advisory Councils concerning Bank System support of affordable housing, and the Bank System's fiscal agent, the Office of Finance. It prepares the annual reports to Congress and to the Banks’ Advisory Councils concerning Bank System support for low-income housing and community development.