§ 900.14 - Office of Supervision.  

Latest version.
  • The Office of Supervision oversees the Banks, the Office of Finance and the Financing Corporation to ensure that they operate in a financially safe and sound manner, that the Banks are carrying out their housing and community and economic development finance mission and are in compliance with applicable statutes and regulations, as well as Finance Board policies and orders. The responsibilities of the Office of Supervision include:

    (a) The conduct of examinations, at least annually, of the Banks, the Office of Finance and the Financing Corporation and the furnishing of reports thereon to the Chairpersons of their Boards of Directors;

    (b) The follow-up and resolution of outstanding examination issues;

    (c) Liaison with each Bank's audit committee and the review and evaluation of the work of each Bank's internal audit staff;

    (d) The monitoring of Bank and System interest rate risk, financial trends and mission-related activities; and

    (e) The review of Community Support Statements of Bank System members.