§ 903.11 - Requests to Intervene.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Filing—(1) Date. Any Request to Intervene in consideration of a Petition under this subpart shall be in writing and shall be filed with the Secretary to the Board within 45 days from the date the Petition is filed.

    (2) Information requirements. A Request to Intervene shall include the information required by § 903.10(b), where applicable, and a concise statement of the position and interest of the Intervener and the grounds for the proposed intervention.

    (3) Authorization. If the entity requesting intervention is a Bank or the Office of Finance, the Request to Intervene shall be accompanied by a resolution of the Petitioner's board of directors concurring in the substance and authorizing the filing of the Request. If the entity requesting intervention is not a Bank or the Office of Finance, the Request to Intervene shall be signed by an official of the entity with authority to authorize the filing of the Request, and shall include a statement describing such authority.

    (4) Request to Appear. A Request to Intervene may include a Request to Appear before the Board of Directors in any meeting conducted under these procedures to consider a Petition. A Request to Appear shall be accompanied by a statement containing the information required by § 903.10(d), and, in addition, setting forth the likely impact that intervention will have on the expeditious progress of the meeting. A Request to Appear shall be filed with the Secretary to the Board either with the Request to Intervene or at least 20 days prior to the meeting scheduled to consider the Petition.

    (5) Intervener is bound. Any Request to Intervene shall include a statement that, if such leave to intervene is granted, the Intervener shall be bound expressly by the Final Decision of the Board of Directors, as described in § 903.13(b), subject only to judicial review or as otherwise provided by law.

    (b) Grounds for approval. The Managing Director may grant leave to intervene if the entity requesting intervention has complied with paragraph (a) of this section and, in the judgment of Managing Director:

    (1) The presence of the entity requesting intervention would not unduly prolong or otherwise prejudice the adjudication of the rights of the original parties; and

    (2) The entity requesting intervention may be adversely affected by a Final Decision on the Petition.