§ 904.2 - Records available to the public.  

Latest version.
  • (a) General. (1) It is the policy of the Finance Board to respond promptly to all FOIA requests.

    (2) The Finance Board may disclose records that were previously published or disclosed or are customarily furnished to the public in the course of the performance of official duties without complying with this part. These records include, but are not limited to, the annual report the Finance Board submits to Congress pursuant to section 2B(d) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act (12 U.S.C. 1422b(d)), press releases, Finance Board forms, and materials published in the Federal Register.

    (3) Except as provided in the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552a), the Finance Board's Privacy Act regulation (12 CFR part 909), or paragraph (a)(2) of this section, the Finance Board shall not disclose records except in accordance with the requirements of this part.

    (b) Reading room. (1) Subject to §§ 904.5 through 904.7, the following records shall be available for public inspection and copying in the Finance Board reading room from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each working day:

    (i) Final opinions or orders of the Finance Board in the adjudication of cases.

    (ii) A record of the final votes of each member of the Board of Directors in every Finance Board proceeding.

    (iii) Statements of policy and interpretations adopted by the Finance Board that are not published in the Federal Register.

    (iv) Administrative staff manuals and instructions to staff that affect a member of the public.

    (v) Records previously disclosed to any requester pursuant to this part which, because of the nature of their subject matter, the Finance Board has determined will likely be the subject of subsequent requests for substantially the same records, and a general index thereof.

    (vi) Current indices that provide identifying information about all matters issued, adopted, or promulgated by the Finance Board.

    (vii) The report the Finance Board submits to the Attorney General pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(e).

    (2) The Finance Board shall make each reading room record created on or after November 1, 1996 available by computer telecommunications or other electronic means, such as on computer diskettes or on the Finance Board's Internet Web site, found at http://www.fhfb.gov.

    (3) The Finance Board shall assess fees for searching, reviewing, or duplicating reading room records in accordance with § 904.9.