§ 915.16 - 1999 and 2000 Election of Directors.  

Latest version.
  • (a) In general. The annual designation of Bank directorships conducted by the Finance Board in 2000 pursuant to § 915.3(b) shall control with respect to the number of elective directorships to be allocated to each state with terms commencing on January 1, 2001.

    (b) Conduct of 2000 elections. After assigning any adjusted terms that may be required by § 915.17(a)(3), the board of directors of each Bank shall determine either:

    (1) To conduct new elections for every state in the district for which an elective directorship is to commence on January 1, 2001, or

    (2) To conduct new elections only in those states for which this section requires a new election to be held and, for all other states within the district, to use the results of the 1999 elections for the purpose of electing directors whose terms are to commence on January 1, 2001.

    (c) 1999 election results. If the number of nominees from any state for the 1999 election of directors who remain eligible to serve as a Bank director equals or exceeds the number of directorships designated to that state with terms commencing on January 1, 2001, the board of directors of the Bank may declare elected the nominee receiving the most votes in the 1999 election and, if more than one directorship is to be filled for that state, shall also declare elected each successive nominee receiving the next greatest number of votes, until all directorships designated for that state are filled. Before declaring elected any such nominee, the board of directors of the Bank shall confirm that the nominee is eligible to serve as a director from that state.

    (d) 2000 elections. If the number of directorships designated to any state with terms commencing on January 1, 2001, exceeds the number of nominees from that state in the 1999 election who remain eligible to serve as a Bank director, then the board of directors of the Bank shall conduct a new election for that state for all of the directorships with terms commencing on January 1, 2001.

    (e) Report of election. If the board of directors of a Bank adopts the 1999 election results for any state, it shall provide written notice of its decision to the Finance Board, the directors-elect, and to each member in the affected state. The notice shall indicate the date on which the term of office of each director-elect shall expire, and shall indicate which terms have been adjusted in order to stagger the board of directors as required by section 7(d) of the Act (12 U.S.C. 1427(d)). Any such adjustments shall be made in compliance with § 915.17. Such notice shall be deemed to constitute the report of election for the 2000 election required by § 915.8(f).

    (f) Safe harbor. In determining whether to ratify the 1999 election results or to hold new elections in 2000, an individual director that would be affected by the decision of the board shall not be deemed to have violated any regulation or Bank policy pertaining to conflicts of interest solely by virtue of having participated in the deliberations or by having voted on the matter.