§ 915.17 - Staggered directorships in the 2000 and 2001 elections.  

Latest version.
  • (a) In general. (1) In conjunction with the annual designations of directorships for elected directors with terms commencing on January 1, 2001 and January 1, 2002, the Finance Board shall, in addition to allocating directorships among the states, indicate the term of each elective directorship and which directorships are to be designated as non-guaranteed directorships. A non-guaranteed directorship shall retain that designation in all subsequent elections, unless the directorship is eliminated by the Finance Board pursuant to section 7(a) of the Act (12 U.S.C. 1427(a)) or as a consequence of a change in the amount of Bank stock held by members located in that state. In such subsequent elections, any non-guaranteed directorships shall be assigned on the basis of votes received, with the directors-elect who received the fewest votes being assigned the non-guaranteed directorships.

    (2) The board of directors of each Bank shall adjust the terms of any directorships that are to commence on January 1, 2001 or January 1, 2002, in accordance with this section and the matrix for that Bank set forth in the appendix to this part, and shall inform the Finance Board which directorships have been assigned adjusted terms.

    (3) Where the matrix for a Bank indicates that two or more guaranteed directorships are to be filled by persons elected from different states in the same year, and which are to have different terms, the board of directors of the Bank shall assign the shorter terms among the states on any reasonable basis, as determined by Bank's board, provided that:

    (i) It uses the same methodology in making all such adjustments; and

    (ii) It assigns the terms to the respective states before determining whether to adopt the 1999 election results, in accordance with § 915.16(b).

    (b) Adjustment of terms. (1) Where the matrix for a Bank indicates that two or more guaranteed directorships are to be filled from the same state in the same year, but which are to have different terms, the board of directors of the Bank shall assign the terms among the eligible nominees who have received a sufficient number of votes to be elected, such that the nominees receiving the greater number of votes are assigned the longer terms and those nominees receiving the lesser number of votes are assigned the shorter terms. If the directors from any state have been declared elected without a vote, in accordance with § 915.8(c) because the number of nominees from that state was less than or equal to the number of directorships to be filled, then the board of directors of Bank shall assign the terms on the basis of the most recent election.

    (2) In the elections occurring in 2000 and 2001, if the matrix for any Bank indicates that both guaranteed and non-guaranteed directorships are to be filled from the same state in the same year, the board of directors shall assign directorships among the eligible nominees who have received a sufficient number of votes to be elected, such that the nominees receiving the greatest number of votes are assigned the guaranteed directorships and those nominees receiving the fewest votes are assigned the non-guaranteed directorships. In the event that the matrix for a Bank assigns a guaranteed directorship for a particular state a shorter term than it assigns to a non-guaranteed directorship for the same state for that year, the board of directors shall assign the guaranteed directorship to the nominee receiving the greatest number of votes.

    (c) Safe harbor. In determining which directorships shall be assigned a reduced term, an individual director that could be affected by the decision of the board shall not be deemed to have violated any regulation or Bank policy pertaining to conflicts of interest solely by virtue of having participated in the deliberations or by having voted on the matter.

    (d) Other adjustments. The board of directors of the Bank may not adjust the term of any director other than as provided in this section.