§ 915.7 - Eligibility requirements for elective directors.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Eligibility verification. Based on the information provided on the director eligibility certification form prescribed in the Data Reporting Manual issued by the Finance Board, as amended from time to time, a Bank shall verify that each nominee meets all of the eligibility requirements for elective directors set forth in the Act and this part before placing that nominee on the ballot prepared by the Bank under § 915.8(a). A Bank shall not declare elected a nominee that it has reason to know is ineligible to serve, nor shall it seat a director-elect that it has reason to know is ineligible to serve.

    (b) Eligibility requirements. Each elective director, and each nominee, shall be:

    (1) A citizen of the United States;

    (2) An officer or director of a member that is located in the voting state to be represented by the elective directorship, that was a member of the Bank as of the record date, and that meets all minimum capital requirements established by its appropriate Federal banking agency or appropriate state regulator.

    (c) Restrictions. (1) A nominee is not eligible if he or she:

    (i) Is an incumbent elective director, unless:

    (A) The incumbent director's term of office would expire before the new term of office would begin; and

    (B) The new term of office would not be barred by the term limit provision of section 7(d) of the Act (12 U.S.C. 1427(d)).

    (ii) Is a former elective director whose service would be barred by the term limit provision of section 7(d) of the Act; or

    (iii) Is an incumbent appointive director.

    (2) For purposes of applying the term limit provision of section 7(d) of the Act (12 U.S.C. 1427(d)), a term of office that has been adjusted to a period of less than three years in accordance with § 915.17(a)(2) shall not be deemed to be a full term.

    (d) Loss of eligibility. (1) An elective director shall become ineligible to remain in office if, during his or her term of office, the stock directorship to which he or she has been elected is eliminated or is redesignated by the Finance Board as representing members located in another state, in accordance with § 915.3(b). The incumbent director shall become ineligible after the close of business on December 31 of the year in which the directorship is redesignated or eliminated.

    (2) In the case of a redesignation to another state, the stock directorship shall become vacant after the close of business on December 31 of the year in which the directorship is redesignated and the resulting vacancy shall be filled by the board of directors of the Bank for the remainder of the unexpired term with a person who is an officer or director of a member located in the newly designated state, pursuant to section 7(f) of the Act (12 U.S.C. 1427(f)).