§ 934.1 - Investments.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Banks may acquire or dispose of securities with prior approval of the Board or its designated representative or in conformity with:

    (1) Authorizations of the Board or such representative or (2) stated Board policy. A Bank's board of directors may authorize Bank officer(s) to acquire or dispose of securities qualifying as liquidity for deposits under the investment policy of the Board as in the judgment of the officer(s) is necessary in the operation of the Bank. Any other acquisition or disposition must be authorized in advance by a majority of the board of directors, executive committee, or investment committee consisting of three or more persons a majority of whom are directors of the Bank. Single acquisitions or dispositions may be so authorized, or acquisitions and/or dispositions of securities of a stated amount maturing within specified dates as in the judgment of the officer(s) designated in the authorization are necessary in the operation of the Bank, may be so authorized, for periods of 90 days or less.

    (b) Compliance with sections 11 and 16 of the act shall be determined based on the principal amount of obligations of the United States.

    (c) Secured advances to members maturing within five years are investments in compliance with section 11(g) of the Act.

    (d) Cash reserves may be held temporarily, awaiting investment opportunity, without violating section 16 of the Act.