§ 934.2 - Loans guaranteed under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961.  

Latest version.
  • With prior approval of the Board, a Bank's board of directors may authorize it to acquire, hold, or dispose of any of the following loans, or interests therein, primarily to facilitate acquisition of participation interests in such loans by members authorized to make such investment:

    (a) Housing project loans with any guaranty under section 221 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as in effect before December 30, 1969;

    (b) Loans with any guaranty under section 224 of such Act, as in effect before December 30, 1969; or

    (c) Loans with any guaranty under section 221 or 222 of such Act, as in effect after December 29, 1969.

    Prior approval of the Board is not required to repurchase a participation interest previously sold to a member.