§ 935.1 - Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this part:

    Act means the Federal Home Loan Bank Act, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1421 et seq.).

    Actual thrift investment percentage or ATIP has the same meaning as used in section 10(m)(4) of the Home Owners’ Loan Act (12 U.S.C. 1467a(m)(4)), except that the ATIP will be calculated and applied for purposes of this part to all members of the Banks, whether or not they are savings associations.

    Advance means a loan from a Bank that is:

    (1) Provided pursuant to a written agreement;

    (2) Supported by a note or other written evidence of the borrower's obligation; and

    (3) Fully secured by collateral in accordance with the Act and this part.

    Affordable Housing Program or AHP means the program described in section 10(j) of the Act (12 U.S.C. 1430(j)) and part 960 of the Board's regulations.

    Appropriate Federal banking agency. The term appropriate Federal banking agency has the same meaning as used in 12 U.S.C. 1813(q) and for federally insured credit unions shall mean the National Credit Union Administration.

    Bank means a Federal Home Loan Bank established under the authority of the Act.

    Board means the Federal Housing Finance Board established under the authority of the Act, its governing Board of Directors, or an official duly authorized to act on its behalf.

    Capital deficient member means a member that fails to meet its minimum regulatory capital requirements as defined or otherwise required by the member's appropriate federal banking agency, insurer or, in the case of members that are not federally insured depository institutions, state regulator.

    Combination business or farm property means real property for which the total appraised value is attributable to the combination of residential, and business or farm uses.

    Community Investment Cash Advance or CICA means any advance made through a program offered by a Bank under section 1430 of the Act and parts 960 and 970 of this chapter to provide advances for community lending and affordable housing, including advances made under: A Bank's Rural Development Advance (RDA) program, offered under section 1430(j)(10) of the Act; a Bank's Urban Development Advance (UDA) program, offered under section 1430(j)(10) of the Act; a Bank's Affordable Housing Program (AHP), offered under section 1430(j) of the Act; a Bank's Community Investment Program (CIP), offered under section 1430(i) of the Act; or any other program offered by a Bank that meets the requirements of part 970 of this chapter.

    Depository institution means a bank or savings association, as defined in 12 U.S.C. 1813, or a credit union, as defined in 12 U.S.C. 1752.

    Dwelling unit means, for purposes of this part, a single room or a unified combination of rooms designed for residential use by one household.

    FDIC means the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

    GAAP means Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

    HUD means the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

    Improved residential real property means residential real property excluding real property to be improved, or in the process of being improved, by the construction of dwelling units.

    Insurer means the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for “insured depository institutions” as defined in 12 U.S.C. 1813(c)(2) and the National Credit Union Administration for federally insured credit unions.

    Long-term advance means, for the purposes of this part, an advance with an original term to maturity greater than five years.

    Manufactured housing means a manufactured home as defined in section 603(6) of the Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, as amended (42 U.S.C. 5402(6)).

    Member means an institution that has been admitted to membership in a Bank and, pursuant to requirements established by the Board, has purchased capital stock in the Bank.

    Mortgage-backed security means:

    (1) An equity security representing an ownership interest in:

    (i) Fully disbursed, whole first mortgage loans on improved residential real property; or

    (ii) Mortgage pass-through or participation securities which are themselves backed entirely by fully disbursed, whole first mortgage loans on improved residential real property; or

    (2) An obligation, bond, or other debt security backed entirely by the assets described in paragraph (1)(i) or (ii) of this definition.

    Multifamily property means, for purposes of this part:

    (1)(i) Real property that is solely residential and which includes five or more dwelling units; or

    (ii) Real property which includes five or more dwelling units with commercial units combined, provided the property is primarily residential.

    (2) Multifamily property as defined in this section includes nursing homes, dormitories and homes for the elderly.

    Non-Qualified Thrift Lender member means any member that does not meet the Qualified Thrift Lender test as defined in this part.

    Nonresidential real property means, for purposes of this part, real property not used for residential purposes, including business or industrial property, hotels, motels, churches, hospitals, educational and charitable institutions, clubs, lodges, association buildings, golf courses, recreational facilities, farm property not containing a dwelling unit, or similar types of property, except as otherwise determined by the Board in its discretion.

    OCC means the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.

    One-to-four family property means any of the following:

    (1) Real property containing:

    (i) One-to-four dwelling units; or

    (ii) More than four dwelling units if each unit is separated from the other units by dividing walls that extend from ground to roof, including row houses, townhouses or similar types of property;

    (2) Manufactured housing if:

    (i) Applicable state law defines the purchase or holding of manufactured housing as the purchase or holding of real property; and

    (ii) The loan to purchase the manufactured housing is secured by that manufactured housing;

    (3) Individual condominium dwelling units or interests in individual cooperative housing dwelling units that are part of a condominium or cooperative building without regard to the number of total dwelling units therein; or

    (4) Real property containing one-to-four dwelling units with commercial units combined, provided the property is primarily residential.

    OTS means the Office of Thrift Supervision.

    Qualified Thrift Lender or QTL means the term as defined in section 10(m)(1) of the Home Owners’ Loan Act (12 U.S.C. 1467a(m)(1)). A non-savings association member which meets the QTL test as applied by the Banks will be treated as a QTL for purposes of this part.

    Qualified Thrift Lender test or QTL test means the asset test described in section 10(m) of the Home Owners’ Loan Act (12 U.S.C. 1467a(m)), except that the QTL test will be applied for purposes of this part to all members of the Banks, whether or not they are savings associations.

    Residential housing finance assets means any of the following:

    (1) Loans secured by residential real property;

    (2) Mortgage-backed securities;

    (3) Participations in loans secured by residential real property;

    (4) Loans or investments financed by advances made pursuant to a CICA program;

    (5) Loans secured by manufactured housing, regardless of whether such housing qualifies as residential real property; or

    (6) Any loans or investments which the Board, in its discretion, otherwise determines to be residential housing finance assets.

    Residential real property means:

    (1) Any of the following:

    (i) One-to-four family property;

    (ii) Multifamily property;

    (iii) Real property to be improved by the construction of dwelling units;

    (iv) Real property in the process of being improved by the construction of dwelling units;

    (v) Combination business or farm property where at least 50 percent of the total appraised value of the combined property is attributable to the residential portion of the property or, in the case of any community financial institution, combination business or farm property, on which is located a permanent structure actually used as a residence (other than for temporary or seasonal housing), where the residence constitutes an integral part of the property. For purposes of this subparagraph, the term community financial institution means an institution that has average total assets of $500,000,000 or less, based on an average of total assets over the three preceding years. The Board shall adjust the limit annually based on the annual increase, if any, in the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers, as published by the Department of Labor.

    (2) The term residential real property does not include nonresidential real property as defined in this section.

    Savings association means a savings association as defined in section 3(b) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1813(b)).

    State means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands.

    State housing finance agency or SHFA means:

    (1) A public agency, authority, or publicly sponsored corporation that serves as an instrumentality of any state or political subdivision of any state, and functions as a source of residential mortgage loan financing in that state; or

    (2) A legally established agency, authority, corporation, or organization that serves as an instrumentality of any Indian tribe, band, group, nation, community, or Alaskan Native village recognized by the United States or any state, and functions as a source of residential mortgage loan financing for the Indian or Alaskan Native community.

    State regulator means a state insurance commissioner or state regulatory entity with primary responsibility for supervising a member borrower that is not a federally insured depository institution.

    Tangible capital means:

    (1) Capital, calculated according to GAAP, less “intangible assets” except for purchased mortgage servicing rights to the extent such assets are included in a member's core or Tier 1 capital, as reported in the member's Thrift Financial Report for members whose primary federal regulator is the OTS, or as reported in the Report of Condition and Income for members whose primary federal regulator is the FDIC, the OCC, or the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

    (2) Capital calculated according to GAAP, less intangible assets, as defined by a Bank for members which are not regulated by the OTS, the FDIC, the OCC, or the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; provided that a Bank shall include a member's purchased mortgage servicing rights to the extent such assets are included for the purpose of meeting regulatory capital requirements.