§ 941.7 - Office of Finance Board of Directors.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Establishment. The Office of Finance Board of Directors is hereby created.

    (b) Use of facilities or personnel. The OF Board of Directors may utilize the facilities or personnel of the Office of Finance or any Bank in order to perform its functions.

    (c) Membership. The OF Board of Directors shall consist of three part-time members appointed by the Finance Board as follows:

    (1) Bank System. Two Bank Presidents; and

    (2) Private Citizen. A citizen of the United States with a demonstrated expertise in financial markets. Such appointee may not be an officer, director or employee of a Bank or Bank System member, hold shares, or any other financial interest in, any member of a Bank, or be affiliated with any FHLBank consolidated obligation selling or dealer group member under contract with the Office of Finance.

    (d) Terms—(1) Length. Except is provided in paragraphs (d)(3) and (4) of this section, the OF Board of Directors shall serve at the pleasure of the Finance Board or for terms, which shall be staggered, of three years beginning on April 1.

    (2) Vacancy. The Finance Board shall fill any vacancy occurring on the OF Board of Directors. An appointment to fill a vacancy shall be only for the remainder of the term during which the vacancy occurred.

    (3) Holdover. At the direction of the Finance Board, any member of the OF Board of Directors is authorized to continue to serve on the OF Board of Directors after the expiration of the member's term until a successor has been appointed by the Finance Board.

    (4) Initial terms. Notwithstanding paragraph (d)(1) herein, the terms of the members of the first OF Board of Directors convened pursuant to this part shall be as follows:

    (i) One of the Bank President members shall serve from the date of appointment until March 31, 1993 or at the pleasure of the Finance Board and the other shall serve from the date of appointment until March 31, 1994 or at the pleasure of the Finance Board.

    (ii) The Private Citizen member shall serve from the date of appointment until March 31, 1995 or at the pleasure of the Finance Board.

    (e) Chair. (1) The Finance Board shall designate one member of the OF Board of Directors as the Chair, and another member as the Vice Chair.

    (2) The Chair shall preside over the meetings of the OF Board of Directors. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair shall preside.

    (3) The Chair shall be responsible for ensuring that the directives and resolutions of the OF Board of Directors are drafted and maintained and for keeping the minutes of all meetings.

    (f) Compensation—(1) Bank System members. (i) The Bank President members shall not receive any additional compensation or reimbursement as a result of their service on the OF Board of Directors.

    (ii) Each Bank is authorized to continue to pay its President a salary during attendance at the OF Board of Directors meetings and to pay in accordance with the travel and expense reimbursement policies in effect at such President's Bank such President's travel and per diem expenses for attendance at OF Board of Directors meetings.

    (iii) Each Bank shall be entitled to be reimbursed by the Office of Finance for its expenditure of travel and per diem expenses associated with its Bank President's attendance at OF Board of Directors meetings as a member thereof.

    (2) Private Citizen member. The Office of Finance shall pay compensation and expenses to the Private Citizen member of the OF board of directors in accordance with the requirements for payment of compensation and expenses to Bank directors set forth in § 932.17 of this chapter, except that, for these purposes:

    (i) The Office of Finance policy on director compensation must be approved by the board of directors of the Finance Board;

    (ii) Section 932.17(a)(3) and (c)(1)(ii) of this chapter shall not apply; and

    (iii) The terms “average compensation per director” and “ACPD,” as used in § 932.17 of this chapter, shall be deemed to mean “maximum compensation of the Private Citizen member”.