Appendix A to Part 117  

Latest version.
  • Type of Federal financial assistanceAuthority
    Business LoansSmall Business Act, section 7(a).
    Debtor State Development companies (501) and their small business concernsSmall Business Investment Act, Title V.
    Debtor State Development companies (502) and their small business concernsSmall Business Investment Act, Title V.
    Debtor certified development companies (503) and their small business concernsSmall Business Investment Act, Title V.
    Debtor small business investment companies and their small business concernsSmall Business Investment Act, Title III.
    Pollution ControlSmall Business Investment Act, Title IV, Part A.
    Disaster Loans:
    Physical, including riotSmall Business Act, section 7(b)(1).
    Economic Injury (EIDL)Small Business Act, section 7(b)(2).
    Federal Action Loan ProgramSmall Business Act, section 7(b)(3).
    Small Business InstituteSmall Business Act, section 8(b)(1).
    Small Business Development CentersSmall Business Act, section 21.
    International Trade ProgramSmall Business Act, section 22.
    Technical and Management AssistanceSmall Business Act, section 7(j).

    1None of the programs administered have any age distinctions except as statutorily required.