§ 145.220 - Are any procurement contracts included as covered transactions?  

Latest version.
  • (a) Covered transactions under this part—

    (1) Do not include any procurement contracts awarded directly by a Federal agency; but

    (2) Do include some procurement contracts awarded by non-Federal participants in nonprocurement covered transactions (see appendix to this part).

    (b) Specifically, a contract for goods or services is a covered transaction if any of the following applies:

    (1) The contract is awarded by a participant in a nonprocurement transaction that is covered under § 145.210, and the amount of the contract is expected to equal or exceed $25,000.

    (2) The contract requires the consent of a(n) SBA official. In that case, the contract, regardless of the amount, always is a covered transaction, and it does not matter who awarded it. For example, it could be a subcontract awarded by a contractor at a tier below a nonprocurement transaction, as shown in the appendix to this part.

    (3) The contract is for federally-required audit services.

    (c) The contract is awarded by any contractor, subcontractor, supplier, consultant or its agent or representative in any transaction, regardless of tier, to be funded or provided by the SBA under a nonprocurement transaction that is expected to equal or exceed $25,000. (See optional lower tier coverage shown in the diagram in the appendix to this part.)