§ 305.24 - Disbursements of funds for grants.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Disbursements of funds for construction grants are generally made on a reimbursable basis on request of the recipient for reimbursement. Disbursements may be made only:

    (1) After execution of all contracts required for the completion of the project. This condition may be waived by EDA if the grantee can demonstrate that enforcement of the condition would place an undue burden on it;

    (2) For itemized and certified eligible costs incurred, as substantiated by such documentary evidence as EDA may require;

    (3) On the basis of the work accomplished and the percentage of EDA participation, but in no event for more than the total sum stated in the financial assistance award accepted by the grantee;

    (4) Upon such evidence as EDA may require that grantee's proportionate share of funds not yet expended is on deposit;

    (5) After a determination by EDA that all applicable terms and conditions of the grant have been met; and

    (6) After meeting such other requirements as EDA may establish in accordance with other Federal laws, rules and regulations.

    (b) Disbursements are generally made in installments, based upon grantee's actual rate of disbursement in accordance with the grant rate.

    (c) Advances of funds are allowable when disbursement on a reimbursable basis would impose an undue burden, as determined by EDA, upon the recipient.