Appendix B to Part 1274 - Reports  

Latest version.
  • 1. Individual procurement action report (NASA Form 507). The grant officer is responsible for submitting NASA Form 507 for all cooperative agreement actions.

    2. Inventory listings of equipment. As provided in paragraph (g) of the provision in § 1274.923, an annual inventory listing of government furnished equipment will be submitted by October 31 of each year. Upon receipt of each annual inventory listing, the administrative grant officer will provide 1 copy to the NASA installation financial management officer and 1 copy to the NASA installation industrial property officer. A final inventory report of Government furnished equipment and grantee acquired equipment is due 60 days after the end of the cooperative agreement, in accordance with the provision in 31274.923. Upon receipt of the final inventory report, the administrative grant officer will provide 1 copy to the technical officer and 1 copy to the NASA Installation industrial property officer.

    3. Disclosure of lobbying activities (SF LLL). (a) Grant officers shall provide one copy of each SF LLL furnished under 14 CFR 1271.110 to the Procurement Officer for transmittal to the Director, Analysis Division (Code HC).

    (b) Suspected violations of the statutory prohibitions implemented by 14 CFR part 1271 shall be reported to the Director, Contract Management Division (Code HK).