§ 11.65 - Issue of notice of proposed rulemaking.  

Latest version.
  • (a) If it is determined that the subject matter of a proposal should be submitted to the rulemaking process, or if rulemaking action is to be taken on his own motion, the Director, subject to the approval of the Chief Counsel with respect to form and legality, issues a notice of proposed rulemaking.

    (b) Normally, a notice of proposed rulemaking is issued within approximately 30 days after receipt of a proposal with respect to which it has been determined that action might be taken.

    (c) Each notice of proposed rulemaking is published in the Federal Register and includes at least the following:

    (1) A statement of the time, place, and nature of the public rulemaking proceedings.

    (2) A reference to the authority under which it is proposed.

    (3) Either the terms or substance of the proposed action or a description of the subjects and issues involved.

    (d) Approximately 30 days are allowed for submitting written information, views, or arguments on the notice. Petitions for extension of the time for such comments are governed by the provisions of § 11.29(c). If a public hearing is to be held, either the original notice of proposed rulemaking or a revised notice gives approximately 30 days’ notice. The Director may grant or deny petitions for extension of the time for comments on the notice and may change the date of any hearing previously noticed.

    (e) Written information, views, and arguments submitted in response to a notice of proposed rulemaking, or that are requested after the notice, must be submitted in triplicate.

    (f) Each interested person is entitled to discuss or confer informally with appropriate FAA officials concerning a proposed action. However, to become a part of the formal record for consideration, any information, views, or arguments presented during the conference must also be submitted in writing in accordance with the notice.