§ 11.67 - Hearings.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Sections 7 and 8 of the Administrative Procedure Act do not apply to proceedings used to formulate rules under section 307(a) of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1348(a)). Whenever the Director, in his discretion, considers that a hearing is necessary to provide informed Administrative action and assure adequate protection of private or public interests, he may hold an informal public hearing. However, any rule or order issued in a case in which such a hearing is held is not based exclusively on the record of the hearing.

    (b) The Director designates a presiding officer for each hearing and the Chief Counsel designates a legal adviser.

    (c) Normally, hearings held under this section are held in the vicinity of the affected airspace. Interested persons are allotted time to make an oral presentation without interruption and a verbatim transcript is made of the proceedings by a certified court reporter.

    (d) The procedure in hearings held under this section is as follows:

    (1) The presiding officer makes an opening statement with particular reference to the notice of proposed rulemaking.

    (2) The presiding officer designates interested persons or their authorized representatives to speak at the hearing.

    (3) The presiding officer allots enough time to each interested person on an equal basis so that his position may be expressed fully and placed on the record, with those who favor it speaking first followed by those who oppose it, initial statements being made as far as possible without interruption, and questions permitted after initial statements have been made by all designated persons.

    (4) Arguments and oral statements are limited to the subject named in the notice of proposed rulemaking.

    (5) Written information, views, arguments, or briefs may be offered for the record, but may not be accepted after the hearing unless good cause is shown or the submission is requested by the presiding officer or the Director.

    (e) The presiding officer of a hearing may deviate from the procedures prescribed in this section to assure a more complete and informative record.