Part 111 - Pilot Records Database  

Subpart A - General
§ 111.1 - Applicability.
§ 111.5 - Compliance date.
§ 111.10 - Definitions.
§ 111.15 - Application for database access.
§ 111.20 - Database access.
§ 111.25 - Denial of access.
§ 111.30 - Prohibited access and use.
§ 111.35 - Fraud and falsification.
§ 111.40 - Record retention.
Subpart B - Access to and Evaluation of Records
§ 111.100 - Applicability.
§ 111.105 - Evaluation of pilot records.
§ 111.110 - Motor vehicle driving record request.
§ 111.115 - Good faith exception.
§ 111.120 - Pilot consent and right of review.
§ 111.135 - FAA records.
Subpart C - Reporting of Records by Air Carriers and Operators
§ 111.200 - Applicability.
§ 111.205 - Reporting requirements.
§ 111.210 - Format for reporting information.
§ 111.215 - Method of reporting.
§ 111.220 - Drug and alcohol testing records.
§ 111.225 - Training, qualification, and proficiency records.
§ 111.230 - Final disciplinary action records.
§ 111.235 - Final separation from employment records.
§ 111.240 - Verification of motor vehicle driving record search and evaluation.
§ 111.245 - Special rules for protected records.
§ 111.250 - Correction of reported information and dispute resolution.
§ 111.255 - Reporting historical records to PRD.
Subpart D - Pilot Access and Responsibilities
§ 111.300 - Applicability.
§ 111.305 - Application for database access.
§ 111.310 - Written consent.
§ 111.315 - Pilot right of review.
§ 111.320 - Reporting errors and requesting corrections.