§ 1204.506 - Delegation of authority to license the use of the Centennial of Flight Commission name.  

Latest version.
  • Link to an amendment published at 77 FR 60620, October 4, 2012.

    (a) Delegation of authority. The Assistant Administrator for Public Affairs is delegated the authority of section 9 of the Centennial of Flight Commemoration Act, as amended (Pub. L. 105–389) to license the use of the Centennial of Flight Commission name on any logo, emblem, seal, or descriptive or designating mark adopted for use by the Administrator in commemorating the centennial of powered flight.

    (b) Redelegation. The authority delegated in paragraph (a) of this section may not be redelegated.

    [67 FR 47257, July 18, 2002]