§ 1210.2 - General classes of work.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Company projects. Includes work for industry on:

    (1) Projects which are neither under contract nor supported by a letter of intent from a Government agency; and

    (2) Company desired tests which are related to a project which is either under contract with or supported by a letter of intent from a Government agency, but are beyond the scope of the tests requested by the Government agency.

    (3) A fee will be charged for company projects.

    (b) Government projects. Includes work for industry on projects which are either under contract with or supported by a letter of intent from a Government agency. The work must be requested by the Government agency. No fee will be charged for Government projects.

    (c) United States/foreign industry consortium projects. This involves U.S. companies, which have formed a consortium or any other type of association with foreign companies, that desire tests on aerospace projects of joint or foreign interest. An application for work for such a consortium shall disclose the foreign interest in or anticipated foreign benefit from tests to be conducted and shall first be reviewed by the Director, International Affairs Division, for consistency with current U.S. foreign policy and for compatibility with section 102 of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, as amended, prior to a final decision being reached on the application. A fee will be charged for these consortium projects unless, in these review procedures, it is determined that Government agency cooperative sponsorship warrants a non-fee arrangement.

    (d) Foreign company projects. Foreign company requests for wind tunnel use that are not related to U.S. Government or U.S. industry interests or programs will generally not be granted and will in no event be granted prior to a review, as required in paragraph (c) of this section, by the Director, International Affairs Division.